Part 21: Terrible

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〰Hi everyone! Its CheriVonny here! Nothing much to say, expect I didn't have an idea what to do for this Part. So, I got some help and credits to khaos_jester for the idea! Please go follow him, he's been a great help to me. Enjoy the Part! Thanks!〰


"They are gone again.." Ash thought to himself. This was the second time they went out today. They went to the coffee shop because they were so called: 'Tired'. Ash didn't believe it. Not only is Chloe and Gou ditching him, they are very suspicious. Ever since Ash accused Gou of stealing his collectible, Gou hasn't been around him ever since. Ash was starting to overthink it, but that wasn't the problem. His problem was that Gou was spending time with Chloe. Chloe is his friend... He doesn't want her to become an enemy.

Ash was jealous. He wanted Gou back but he didn't know how. "Hmm.. If only there was a way.." Ash thought again. An idea popped into his head! Since Gou didn't like Addy, maybe.. Just maybe.. He could make Gou jealous by spending time with Addy! Yes, that had to work! And since Ash had her number in his Rotom Phone, he could call her!

Now Calling: Addy

Addy: Oh, hi Ash! What's up?

Ash: Hey, Addy! I was wondering, would you like to go out and catch some Pokemon?

Addy: Sure, but I have to ask, why all of a sudden?

Ash: Well..its just because you don't have a Pokemon, and I was wondering if we could go catch some Pokemon since I didn't have anything to do.

Addy: Oh yeah, sure! Give me a minute. Where are we meeting?

Ash: Meet me at the coffee shop, we'll get some biscuits and tea and we'll head off!

Addy: Sounds good!

Ash: Okay, See you there!

Addy: Later!

Call ended.
Call time: 1:32

Ash and Addy met at the Coffee Shop. The scent filled Ash's nose. He looked nearby and saw Gou and Chloe sitting together. They were talking, but Ash couldn't hear what they were saying due to the coffee shop being filled with noises and bubbling.

Gou turned around. Ash could feel Gou staring at him. Addy looked at Ash, who was looking at him. They locked eyes, then laughed. Pikachu ate a biscuit and drank tea. Addy, got a boba and Ash got 2 biscuits and 1 large tea. He ordered more biscuits just in case he got hungry while they were out catching Pokemon.

Pikachu saw Raboot and Eevee nearby. Pikachu was filled with anger when he saw them.

Pikachu: Pika! "You traitors!" (he whispered)

After finishing their meal, they headed off to the lake. Addy, bent down to look at the water. It reflected her reflection perfectly. As if the lake was a clear mirror for her. Her long hair dangled down her back. She got up and looked at Ash.

Addy: "So, what are your interests—"

Ash: "I-Interests!? In who!?"

Addy: "In Pokemon."

Ash: "O-Oh.."

Satogou: "My dear Gou"Where stories live. Discover now