Chapter 2

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I hand my luggage to the porter, giving him a wink since he's cute. I then roll my eyes as Phil looks back at a couple of women who send him flirty giggles. He's fucking married. Pig.

I walk past him, looking at the beautiful European-style interior. I lead the way to the front desk with a friendly, young woman on the other side.

"Hello," I smile.

"Checking in?" She asks.

"Yeah, we have a reservation under Dr. Price," Stu tells her.

"Okay, let me look that up for you," She types on the computer as we all wait impatiently.

"Dr. Price?" Phil looks at my brother. Of course, he's going to make fun of him. "Stu, you're a dentist, okay? Don't try and get fancy."

"It's not fancy if it's true," Stu says.

"He's a dentist," Phil tells the woman. "Don't get too excited. And if, uh, someone has a heart attack, you should still call 911."

"And if that person dies and you need a lawyer, call me," I add, making Phil roll his eyes because he can't deny that I'm a lawyer.

"We'll be sure to do that," She assures.

"Can I ask you a question?" Alan begins. "Do you know if the hotel's pager-friendly?"

"What do you mean?" She asks confused as he lifts up his pager.

"I'm not getting a signal on my beeper," He says.

"I'm not sure," She answers.

"Is there a payphone bank?" He then asks. "Bunch of payphones? Business."

"Um, there's a phone in your room," She informs him.

He nods. "That'll work."

"So I have you in a two-bedroom suite on the 12th floor, is that okay?" She asks us.

"It sounds perfect," Doug responds.

"Actually, I was wondering if you had any villas available," Phil leans forward on the desk.

"Phil, we're not even gonna be in the room," Stu points out.

"It's unnecessary," Doug adds.

"It's not a big deal, we can share beds," Stu says. "It's one night."

"If we're sharing beds, I'm bunking with Phil or Aspen," Alan states.

"Um, no," I quickly shake my head. "I'm not sharing a bed with any of you."

"Yeah, I'm not good with that either," Phil says. "Guys, we are not sharing beds. What are we, 12-years-old? Lisa, I apologize," He looks back at the woman. "How much is the villa?"

"Well, we have one villa available," She begins. "And it's 4200 for the night."

"Is it awesome?" Alan asks.

"It's pretty awesome," She admits.

"We'll take it," Phil declares before looking at Stu. "Give her your credit card."

"I can't give her my credit card," Stu says.

"We'll split it," Doug begins to take out his wallet.

"Are you crazy?" Phil looks at him. "No, this is on us."

"You're not paying," I point out.

"You don't get it," Stu tells Phil. "Melissa checks my statements."

"Well, we just need a credit card on file," Lisa explains. "We won't charge you until you check out, so you can figure it out then."

"Perfect," Phil smiles triumphantly. "Thank you, Lisa."

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