Chapter 24

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*Three Months Later*


I take a deep breath as I look at myself in the mirror. The white gown hugs my body tightly until it reaches my upper thighs, accentuating my subtle curves. The sleeves give it that extra elegant look and a section of my dark hair is pinned up but hangs curled down my back. My makeup is natural with the faintest bit of pink lipstick. 

I smile at my reflection warily. "Are you sure it isn't too much?" I ask my older brother who stands behind me. He's my Man of Honor. 

"No, not at all," He shakes his head. "You look..." His broad smile makes me smile. "Beautiful."

"Thank you," I turn to face him. 

"Are you nervous?" He asks me curiously. 

I don't hesitate to answer with, "No," I look at myself again. "I just can't wait to spend the rest of my life with Phil."


I smooth out my suit as I let out a shaky breath. I turn to face Doug. "How do I look?" 

"Great, man," He nods, assuring me. "I think this is the first time you ever questioned how you look."

"I'm marrying the love of my life," I can't help but smile but it fades a little. 

"What, having doubts?" Doug quickly asks, probably more worried for Ash than me because he cares a lot about her. 

I may have known him longer but his friendship with her is different than ours. He can never be selfish when it comes to her, and frankly, I can't either. There's just something special about her that makes everyone's heart stop and feel utter warmth when she's around. 

"No, of course, not," I quickly respond, shaking it off because that's ridiculous. "I'm scared I'm not good enough for her. I just don't see why she isn't marrying the perfect, smart - completely a gentleman guy?"

Doug chuckles. "Because she knows you're the perfect man for her," He answers. "I don't know about the gentlemen part but she wouldn't risk the rest of her life on someone she isn't completely in love with. And you two are the most perfect people for each other. It isn't about who's good enough for who because that can be impossible to know. It's what and how and why you two are soulmates."

I smile softly, pleased with his words. He's right. There is no doubt in my mind that Ash and I are ultimately soulmates. We might be polar opposites at times, but we also have a lot in common. We bring out the best in one another and yes, we might argue and disagree, but we know at the end of the day, there is only one person we want to kiss goodnight to and see in the morning. It's each other. 

"I just can't believe I get to spend the rest of my life with Aspen," I say when I face the mirror once again. 

*No POV*

Aspen faces the double doors that lead into the grandiose church in Venice, Italy. She and Phil chose this place due to the fact that it is absolutely beautiful and the church easily allowed them to get married even though she is Jewish and he is an atheist - they actually left that part out and just said he hasn't gotten his conformation. She was also in love with the old architecture while he was excited about how easy they would be able to get to Greece where their honeymoon will be. 

"Wow," She looks to her right, seeing her mother. Her father is to her left, waiting to give her away. "You look beautiful, my dear."

"Thank you, Mom," She smiles. "Suprised I'm finally getting married?"

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