Chapter 10

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The white truck pulls up next to our car, The Tux Shop brand on the side. A long, blonde-haired man opens the door, tossing a couple of bags to Stu. 

"That's my buddy," Alan says as Phil pulls over to the side of the street. 

I shimmy out of the jeans and t-shirt I'm wearing once I get out of the car. Two men that drive past us whistle at me and all of us give them the middle finger. I grab the strapless black bridesmaid dress, surprised they were able to get it. 

"I have to take off my bra," I tell the guys. They turn around, unfazed. "You guys, everyone on the road can see me."

"Right," Phil says, walking to me and holding his jacket up so I can remove my bra. I catch him looking as I slide up the dress. "You look beautiful, angel," He whispers. 

"Thank you, loverboy," I smirk, hurrying to the car. 

As we drive back to L.A., we finish fixing ourselves up. I use the side mirror to apply my makeup, thankful that I haven't poked my eye out. I put my dark hair up in a bun with strands in the front to accentuate my sharp features. 

We immediately jump out of the car the instant Phil parks it in front of the venue. We run and barge inside, finally slowing down when the other bridesmaids, Tracy, and her parents look at us. 

"Sorry, MapQuest took us on a really crazy route," Stu lies, putting his jacket on. 


I stand in between the Maid of Honor and another bridesmaid as Tracy begins walking down the aisle. We're technically wearing the same exact dress as her but whereas her dress is white with a black band around the waist, ours is black with a white band. 

I smile at Doug and he winks at me, glancing back at Phil. I give him a quizzical look before he has to go down and hug Tracy's dad after he gives her away. I then catch Phil's eyes and my smile broadens. 

After the ceremony, I follow the crowd to the dancefloor. Doug convinces me to dance with him and Tracy for one song and I do, laughing as they both spin me around. 

"I'm so happy for you guys," I tell them. 

"Thank you," Tracy smiles. "It's good to know they have a friend that keeps them on their toes." 

"I don't know if I proved that in Las Vegas but..." I shrug, side hugging Doug. "I know not to lose this one again. I don't know what I'd do without him."

"You're just saying that so we name our children after you," Doug huffs. 

"You're not wrong, Dougy," I chuckle before Tracy goes to dance with her dad. 

"Your mom's here by the way," Doug informs me and I immediately step away from him. 


"I invited her," He shrugs. 


"Ash, relax, it's my wedding."

I sigh, nodding. "Why do you keep on making those faces at Phil and me?"

"Because I know you like each other," He shrugs. "You two are just too stubborn to admit it."

I look down at the ground. "The weekend between us was nice. We got along but..."

"What?" He questions. "Is it because he's married?"

"Yes, no, I don't know," I sigh in frustration. "They separated."

"Then that's good, Ash," He places his hand on my shoulder. 

I catch my mother's dark hair and blue eyes through my peripheral vision. My dad cheated on her and she stayed. 

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