Chapter 12

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I drop off my luggage at the beautiful resort in Thailand. I quickly say "hi" to Tracy and Lauren before they tell me to head down to the beach to see the men. I am so jetlagged I want to go to bed but I also really want to see Doug and Stu. It's been a couple of months since I've seen either of them. 

But as I make my way down the beach in my white, flowy pants and matching tube top, I remember who else I'm going to be seeing at this wedding. Someone who I haven't seen since Doug's wedding. Someone I've been purposely avoiding. 


I look down as my feet sink into the sand, my sandals in my right hand, and a bag full of Absolut Vodka and shot glasses in my left. 

"Is that Ash?" I look up to see the bonfire with four men plus someone else. Doug stands up from where he sits, running up to me. 

"Woah!" I laugh as he picks me up into a hug. "Good to see you too, dumbass." 

"Come on, loser," He links his arm in mine that carries my sandals. 

"I brought a present," I lift up the bag, cheering. I place my sandals down and hand the bag to Doug before hugging my brother. "It's nice to get a break to see you. I can't believe you're getting married."

"Me too," He chuckles. 

"Hi, Ash," Alan waves from his seat. 

"Hi, Alan," I smile. I then look to my left, spotting the man wearing a white dress shirt staring at me with a beer bottle in his hand. He still looks as fucking sexy as the last time I saw him. "Heard you have another kid."

"Yep," He takes a sip out of his drink. "Heard you got your first boyfriend."

"Yep," I nod before taking a seat in between Doug and Stu. 

"This is Teddy, by the way, Lauren's brother," Stu points at the young kid in front of me. 

"Aspen, but feel free to call me Ash," I smile warmly at him. 

"Where's James?" Doug asks me. "I thought Stu said you could bring him."

"Um, well..." I clear my throat. My eyes keep on betraying me as they glance at Phil. Stop, Ash. You're over him. "He couldn't make it," I lie. "Work."

Phil hands out the shot glasses, giving one to Teddy too. "What does he do?" He asks me after handing me one. 

"He's an aerospace engineer," I answer, beginning with a beer before we drink the vodka. "They need him in London right now."

"That sucks," Stu remarks, looking at the other men. "He's a great guy. Maybe you'll get married soon too."

I almost choke on the beer, wiping the remnants the spilled on my chin. I brush it off as I spot the bag of marshmallows. "Ooo, are we making s'mores?"

"Just roasted marshmallows," Doug informs me. 

"That was Alan's idea," Stu adds. 

If there is anything awkward going on between Phil and me, he is doing a great job not showing it. Doug doesn't know what happened in Las Vegas because neither Phil nor I told him or another soul about it. If Phil had, Doug would've bombarded me with questions. He just thinks Phil and I went back to hating each other after that weekend...Well, I think he does. 

"You know, I gotta hand it to you, Stu," Phil begins. "This place is paradise."

"Not bad, right?" Stu smiles. 

"And I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually jealous of you," Phil admits. I swear I see him glance at me for a mere second. "I mean, Lauren is an angel."

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