Chapter 1

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The Hangover Part I

"I don't care, James, I need the file on my desk on Monday," I remind my assistant while walking down the street with my cappuccino in hand. "Remember to answer all of my calls and if it's an emergency, it can wait until Monday. Do not bother me."


"I said to not bother me," I repeat before hanging up the phone.

It has been a long day already in the office and I just can't wait for this weekend to start. I haven't seen my brother and best friend for a while and this weekend will be nice to catch up. It's probably my fault for telling myself, "You'll call them tomorrow." Then I will tell myself that the next day, then the next day, and so forth. But now, I finally have devoted time to spend with them. Mostly because it is a very special occasion. Doug Billings, my best friend, is getting married and this weekend is his bachelor's party. I know as a woman I'm technically not supposed to go but how could I say no when Doug invited me? Plus, we're going to Vegas. I might just convince them to come to a male strip club with me.

I probably need more female friends.

My black heels clack against the pavement of the sidewalk, my large backpack on my shoulders. Doug is picking me up in front of my office's building but I had to get another coffee after the deposition in the morning. Why did I become a lawyer? Oh, I know. I just wanted to make good money. Yes, it's a plus but I hate being in court. The only joy I have in it is being right.

Right as I reach my building my eyes widen at the 1965 Mercedes-Benz 220SE. I'm in love. I don't even pay attention to the three men inside of it as I roam my fingertips on the smooth car.

"Ugh!" I hear the loud groan, making me finally look at who is inside of the nice car. "Why are we taking her to Vegas?"

Great, I roll my eyes. Phil's here. "Why are we taking you to Vegas?"

The thing is, Phil and I met a little after my older brother, Stuart, became friends with him and Doug. I will admit, I've always found Phil insanely attractive but I didn't like how careless he is with everything. He can't take anything seriously and it drives me insanse. I swear I'm not neurotic...Okay, maybe a little. I guess I never really understood why we can't get along. I loved Doug the first second we began hanging out. He was my first platonic guy friend and we have treated each other like brother and sister ever since.

"Come on, guys, no fighting this weekend," Doug looks between Phil inside of the car and me outside of it. "It's my bachelor's party."

"No promises," I mutter, tossing my bag in the trunk and opening the door to sit next to Phil. Now I have to sit next to this asshole.

The first thing I do as Doug begins driving in the direction of my brother's house is take off my heels, sliding on a pair of comfortable converse. I then unbotton and shrug off my black blazer, revealing my white crop tee that matches my black slack perfectly. It gives me my favorite classy-casual look. In an ideal world, I would wear sweatpants and over-sized band t-shirts everyday. But I don't think I'd go far wearing that in court. I then unclasp the pin that holds my dark hair in a bun, allowing it to fall freely down my shoulders.

Once I finally feel comfortable, I catch Alan, Doug's soon-to-be brother-in-law, and Phil staring at me. "What?" It sternly slips out.

"Nothin'," Phil shrugs off, acting weird.

"You're very pretty," Alan compliments me. I had met him a couple of times before and tend to just leave him be unless he approaches me.

"Um, thank you, Alan," I smile softly.

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