Chapter 17

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We run into the hotel that we had woken up in, in Bangkok. The men follow me as we sprint up the stairs to the 15th floor. We pound on the elevator, shouting, "Teddy!"

Phil pries the elevator open and we find Teddy laying down inside of it. We all laugh in happiness.

"Where am I?" He asks us.

"You're in an elevator in the middle of Bangkok," Stu informs him. "But we're gonna get outta here, it's gonna be fine."

"Hey, Stu," Teddy looks at his soon-to-be brother-in-law. "Nice tattoo."

We all rush downstairs, wondering how we're going to get back to the resort. Teddy takes out the keys of Leslie's speedboat, how we got to Bangkok in the first place. We all run out of the hotel, jumping into Leslie's speedboat as Stu gets the line.

"I got it," I tell Phil as he tries to get to the wheel. "I've driven one before."

"Will we crash with you driving?" He asks me.

"No promises," I smirk. "There are no drivers out here that will have to face my road rage."

An hour or so later, we cheer as we see the resort in the distance. I try not to panic as I notice there's no dock.

"Hang on, boys," I tell them as I continue to drive.

"Ash, turn the boat!"

"I got this!" I yell before we crash onto the land, not even touching the beautiful area they're going to have the ceremony in. I actually wasn't expecting to not hurt anyone. We just trenched the lawn. I laugh as I lay in an awkward position on the tilted boat. Phil helps me up and out of the boat. "How was that?"

He smirks. "Fuckin' hot."

I turn to smile at Stu and Lauren embracing each other. I am truly happy for my brother. I run and hug Doug and Tracy.

"I thought you'd be in Bangkok for good," Doug chuckles, letting me go and looking at my clothes. "Stripper?"

"Not yet," I joke.

"No, you're hand!" I look at Fohn, Lauren, and Teddy's dad, who holds up his son's hand.

"I know," Teddy smiles reassuringly. "We had an accident. I'm okay."

"This is your fault!" Fohn tells Stu.

"No, Dad," Teddy tries to stand up for my brother.

"He's right," Stu says. "Mr. Srisai, Lauren," He looks between them. "I have not been completely honest with you. "

"Stu," Phil looks at him skeptically.

I walk over to Phil, embracing him in a side-hug. I notice Doug and Tracy smiling cheekily at us. Doug is still at it and what is he telling his wife? "Don't worry," I tell Phil. "He's got this."

"Thanks, sis," Stu smiles at me before looking at Fohn. "You said I'm chok. Well, I'm not. I'm not some weird milky, ricey, watery goop that you feed to infants and old people, okay? Maybe I would be if you added cayenne peppa'," I laugh at my brother. "I wish I was a boring dentist who had a boring life and boring friends and a boring sister that I barely hang out with, but I don't. I'm not. I'm actually part of this weird wolf pack."

"Hey, it's not weird," Alan insists, smiling nevertheless at Stu's acknowledgment of it. "It's pretty cool, actually. No membership fee."

"I have heard enough of this," Fohn says, holding his hand out for his daughter. "You come here."

"Whoa," Stu holds his hand out too, stopping Lauren's dad. "Here's the deal, man. I got a dark side," I bite down a chuckle as Stu puts on his intimidating face. I'm proud to say I taught him that. "There's a demon in me."

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