Chapter 16

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"There's water everywhere," Stu says as he makes it up to the 15th floor of the place we woke up in. 

"Yeah, that's because it melted," I point out. "The power's out, remember?" 

"With an inadequate electrical grid serving millions of people, Bangkok experiences 1,500 power outages per year," Alan reads off of one of his cards. 

"Seriously, Alan," Phil says as he and I try to pry open the ice machine. "That's enough." 

"Outta the way," Stu says when he appears with a fire extinguisher. He breaks the lock open. 

I step back once they open the ice machine and Leslie jumps out. He punches Stu in the stomach and kicks Phil in the dick. He kicks Alan and slaps me across the face. I instinctively punch him in the nose, making him stumble back. God, I'm glad I took some boxing classes. Phil grabs Leslie, forcing him to lean back against the ice machine. 

"Chow! Calm down!" Phil tells him. 

"Fucking kill on me!" Leslie yells. 

"No, no, no, no, no," Phil shakes his head, groaning when Leslie spits on him. "It's okay," Leslie growls but begins to take deep breaths. "Relax," Leslie tries to fight but Phil shushes him. "That's it. It's just us. Breathe."

"Chow so cold," Leslie mutters out. 

"I'm gonna warm you up," Phil assures, rubbing the man's shoulders. 

"Chow so cold," Leslie shudders. 

"You did good, buddy," Phil talks to him like he's a child. Well, he talks to both Leslie and Alan the same. "You did good." 

"Chow did good," Leslie says. 


Leslie stares at us as he slurps the hot soup we got him at a place near the hotel. We also got him a sweater and scarf. 

"Feeling better?" I ask him. "You warm enough?"

"I don't know," Leslie says in between slurps of his soup. "Come feel my balls and tell me."

"No, thank you," I say, smiling sarcastically. "But thanks for the offer."

"I've been locked in a fucking icebox all day," Leslie spats. "Hey, Alan, you want my awesome sunglasses, you just ask Chow. You don't have to kill me."

"Chow, nobody killed you," Phil tells him. "You were already dead. You didn't have a pulse." 

"Oh, you never do blow before?" Leslie asks us. "Sometime your heart stop, start up again," He puts on his sunglasses. "Read a book."

"Look, I'm sorry," Phil apologizes. "We're just having a bad day." 

"Oh, you having a bad day?" Leslie mocks. "Did you die?"

"Leslie, some guy told us that you've got a bank code or something and if we don't bring it to him first thing in the morning, he's going to kill Teddy," I tell him. 

"Who, Kingsley? Pfft!" Leslie huffs. "He's harmless. Don't worry. I got the bank codes."

"Great," Phil sighs in relief. "All right, we gotta meet him at 8 a.m. Who is that fucking guy, anyway?" 

"Invest in my business," Leslie answers. 

"What business is that?" I ask curiously. 

"It's called "not your business," 'kay?" Leslie responds. "So where's the monkey?" 

"The monkey?" 

"Yeah," He nods. "I stashed the account number and password in his vest. Where is he?" 

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