Chapter 5

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The doctor had told the men that we had come from a wedding before going to the hospital. So now here we are, pulling up to the Best Little Chapter in the stolen cop car. 

"What about the baby?" Alan asks as we all get out of the car. 

"Just leave him in the car," Phil tells him. "We're gonna be five minutes."

"I'm not leaving a baby in the car. You're a dad, you know we can't," I remind him. He rolls his eyes. In another mood, are we?

"He'll be fine," Phil insists. "I cracked the window."

I'm about to open the car door to get the baby but I'm being lifted up. The next thing I know is that I'm staring at Phil's ass. 

"What are you doing?"

"We're going inside," He doesn't let me down until we're inside the chapel.

"But the baby-"

"Will be fine."

I huff, turning on my heels to walk further inside the chapel. We find a man and woman fixing a light. 

"Excuse me, sir," Phil begins. 

The man looks at us before releasing a laugh. "Look at these guys. What happened? You miss me? You miss Eddie? You want more from me?" He hugs Phil. "How are you, my friend?" He then squeezes Alan's cheeks. "Look at this guy. You're fucking crazy. Oh, and Aspen," He hugs me quickly. "Beautiful, intelligent, and fucking wild," I chuckle confused before he looks at my brother. "Listen, I'm gonna tell you something. I know some sick people in my life. This guy is the craziest, wildest bastard I ever met in my life, man." 

"I'm sorry, did you just call these two wild?" Phil points between Stu and me. 

"What's going on, you fucking crazy motherfucker?" Eddie hugs Stu. "I thought he was gonna eat my dick," He then looks between us all as if we're acting strange. "What happened? No love for Eddie? You don't hug me?" 

"No, no, it's not that, Eddie," Stu begins. "It's just that we're having a hard time remembering what happened here last night."

"Yeah, was there a wedding here?" Alan asks him. "Do you do weddings here?"

Eddie laughs. "You are cracking my balls, man."

I am so confused by that and a little weirded out. "Look, Eddie, we were here last night. But we're looking for our friend Doug. Do you remember him?"

"Yeah, the small guy like Aspen's height," Eddie pats my head. I shake it off my head. 

"You saw him?" Phil asks. 

"Of course," He responds vaguely. 

"Is there anything you can tell us about what may have happened last night?" Stu asks Eddie. 

"You don't remember nothing?" Eddie questions. He then leads us to the back, grabbing a white-covered book. He opens it to reveal a picture of Stu holding the hand of a blond supermodel. 

"Congrats, Stu, you got married," Alan smiles. 

"This can't be happening," Stu says. "Oh, God." 

He flips to a picture of him grabbing the blond's boob with the rest of us looking hungover as shit. I'm wearing my dress from last night with Phil's arms around my waist and head buried in my neck. I shift from where I stand in between him and my brother. Another odd thing is Doug smirking at us in the photo proudly. As if he knew it was coming.

Stu is too upset over marrying this woman he barely pays attention to Phil's arms around me in the photo. However, Phil glances down at me from my right. He clears his throat, flipping to another picture of the blond on Stu's back. 

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