Chapter 21

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Phil, Stu, and I look over the mini-mansion replica in Leslie's hideout apartment. The architecture is phenomenal with every little detail being perfect.

"What is this place, Chow?" Phil asks curiously.

"My house," Leslie states, standing in front of the wall with pictures all over it. "Chow used to be on top of the world. Had three beautiful homes in three different countries. But this one, my Mexican villa...this was my favorite and everything got fucked. Chow go to prison, all my property seized. My homes sold at auction to highest bidders," He walks up to the replica. "But I know something no one else knows. This house is where I stashed the gold."

"Marshall's gold?" I question.

"Yep," He clarifies. "Hid it inside the basement wall," He opens the replica in half. "No one knows it's there. We're gonna go get it."

"Wait, you mean break-in?" Phil asks.

"Look, Marshall wants his gold," Leslie reminds us. "And he's gonna hunt me down until he gets it. If we show up without it, he'll kill me."

"We're not breaking in anywhere," Stu refuses.

"It's just his house," I shrug.

"You're seriously okay with this?" Phil raises an eyebrow at me.

"If it means getting Doug back, then, yes, I am," I nod.

"I knew I liked you the most," Leslie tells me.

"Hey!" Alan exclaims.

"Don't worry, fatty. I meant out of those three. Listen," Leslie assures, leaning in front of the replica. "It's a piece of cake. I know every square inch of this place. The best part, the guy we're stealing it from doesn't know it's there. So he'll never know it's gone."

"You guys know what's going on, right?" Alan asks Phil, Stu, and me.

"What do you mean?" Phil asks.

"Well, and please correct me if I'm wrong," He says to Leslie. "We're not breaking into this house," He gestures at the replica. "This house is too small. We're breaking into another house. This is just a model, right, Chow?"

"What?" Leslie then gasps as Alan falls back into something. "Alan, no! My chickens!"

"Agh!" I block my face as a chicken lands on me.

"Watch out for the claws!" Chow warns. "They're trained to kill."

I fall back onto a table, struggling to get it off of me. I yell as I hear a gunshot near me. The next thing I know, the chicken is shot off of me.

"What the fuck!" I sit up on the table, seeing Phil and Stu throwing the chickens that were on them out the window. I breathe out, staring at Leslie as he puts a pillow over the last one.

"Sh, sh, sh," Leslie whispers to the chicken. "Don't struggle. Let go."

I stand up, watching Leslie suffocate it while I walk over to where Phil sits on one of the chairs, taking the seat next to him.

"You won a lot of fights, Wallace," Leslie continues. "Not this time."

"What the fuck is wrong with those chickens?" Phil asks after Leslie kills the chicken.

"They're angry," Leslie breathes out. "All I feed them is cocaine. And chicken," He laughs menacingly.

Fucking psycho.


"That's some house, Chow," Phil observes as we sit in the car, looking at Chow's Mexican villa in the distance.

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