Chapter 15

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I exit the strip club, seeing Phil on the phone. Before I can ask who it is, a man on a motorbike gets closer and closer. I run forward but he already hits Phil in the back with a red helmet. Phil falls forward and we all kneel by his side. 

The men on the bike come to a screeching stop. "Give us back out monkey," One of the men demands. 

"What monkey?!" Alan yells, holding tightly to the monkey. "Get your own monkey!" 

"Come on, you asshole," The guy pulls out a gun and I lean forward on Phil to block him. "The fucking monkey." 

"Just give him the fucking monkey, Alan!" I shout, helping Phil to his feet. 

"This is our monkey!" Alan wines. 

"Alan, no one's getting shot over a fuckin' monkey!" Phil yells at him. "Hand him over now!" 

"Oh, God, I never get to keep no monkeys," Alan pouts, walking over to the two men. He puts the monkey on the men's motorbike's and the front man places a little helmet on his little head. "Hey, Phil, check it out. He's got a banana on his helmet. These guys are the real deal." 

"The fuck's happening?" Phil asks, facing them as they begin to drive off. "Hold on, how did this happen? Do you know where our friend is?" 

They stop as Stu adds, "16-years-old, Asian kid?"

The guy in the front speaks in Russian before they drive off. Phil and I chase after them and the guy in the back turns around. He lifts up a gun and I don't think before I shove Phil harshly to the ground. 

"Aah!" I fall to the ground at the impact of the bullet hitting my left arm. "Fuck!" 

"Oh, shit," Phil crawls to sit up beside me, holding my head up. "Why the fuck did you do that?"

"So you wouldn't, you asshole!" I see Stu and Alan leaning over me. "Help me up, dumbasses." 

Phil is the one who mainly gets me to my feet, being as gentle as possible. He walks me over to a wall, holding onto me like I'm going to die. 

"Stu, look at her arm. Is she gonna be okay? You're a doctor," Phil utters out. 

"Phil, calm down," I try not to wince in pain, not wanting to freak them out even more. 

"I don't know! Let me look," Stu hurries to my side. He screams, jumping up in the air. 

"Stuart Price!" Phil looks at him as he walks away screaming. "Get your ass back over here!"

"My sister got shot!" Stu shouts. 

"I fucking know!" I yell, placing as much pressure on my left arm with my right hand. 

"You're not going to die," Phil locks eyes with me. 

I give him a look as if he's stupid. "No shit. Get me to a clinic." 

"Okay, okay," All of a sudden, he's putting his arms under my leg and sweeping me off my feet bridal style. 

"Phil, they shot my arm, not my leg," I point out but he already begins walking. 



I sit on the edge of the bed as the woman finishes bandaging my arm. Phil stands in front, watching nervously as Alan and Stu remain in the waiting room. I've never seen Phil so anxious

"Phil," I begin when the woman leaves. I stand up, walking up to him. "I told you it would be fine. The bullet just grazed my arm." 

"I know, I know," He says. "But you-you pushed me out of the way. If it was a foot to your left, you would be dead. I was supposed to get hit. Why?"

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