Chapter 7

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"Wait, guys. Guys," Alan stops us as we walk down the hallway to our villa at the hotel. "What about the tiger? What if he got out?"

"Oh, fuck," Phil throws his head back, cursing. "I keep forgetting about the goddamn tiger."

"How the hell did he even get in there?" I wonder aloud.

"I don't know, because I don't remember," Stu coldly looks at Alan.

"Stu, keep it down," Phil whispers.

"Because one of the, uh, side effects of roofies is memory loss," Alan explains like we don't know that.

"No shit," I mutter, waiting for Phil to let us inside.

"You are literally too stupid to insult," Stu tells Alan.

"Thank you."

"Hey," Phil hisses, opening the door.

I scrunch my eyebrows together as I hear In the Air Tonight by Phil Collins playing on the speakers. I look back at Phil, confused.

"Did we leave the music on?" He asks.


"Hey," Phil looks at Alan after he shuts the door loudly. "Shh. Don't make any sudden movements."

I roll my eyes, walking past him toward the music, ignoring his protests. I turn around quickly when both Phil and Stu cry out. Phil has knocked into a rather large man.

"Who the hell are you?" Phil asks him.

"Who the hell are you?" The man asks back.

"Quiet, quiet," I turn my head to look at the man sitting at the piano. My mouth falls agape-something I have realized I've been doing a lot lately-as I recognize who the man is. "Mike Tyson?"

"Shh," He shushes us. "This is my favorite part coming up right now," He pretends to use an imaginary drum set, swinging his arms down in beat with the music. "I can feel it coming in the air tonight. Need a chorus, my guys and gal," He motions for us to start singing.

"Oh Lord," Alan is the first to sing along.

"But I been waiting for this moment all my life," Mike sings.

The rest of us join in. "Oh, Lord," before he punches Alan so hard he knocks out.

"Oh, fuck," Phil kneels by his side to check on him. "Why did you do that?" He asks Mike.

Who I assume is his bodyguard or something, clicks off the music. "Mr. Tyson would like to know why his tiger is in your bathroom."

"Hold on," Phil stands up. "That was completely unnecessary. I'm a huge fan. When you knocked out Holmes, that was-"

"Explain," The bodyguard interrupts.

"Look, we were drugged last night," I tell them.

"You drugged her?" Mike points at me, looking at the standing men. 

"No, of course not!" Phil exclaims.

"They didn't," I assure him. "They're just idiots and thank you for your concern."

"I can tell," Mike smiles at me. "And anytime."

"Anyway, we have no memory of what happened," Phil continues to explain.

"It's true," Stu nods. "We got in all kinds of trouble last night and now we can't find our friend. And if you wanna kill us, just go ahead because I don't care anymore."

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