Chapter 3

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My eyes lazily flutter open and then close. I hear a ringing in my ear and my head is pounding. I groan, trying to get as comfortable as possible. I turn my body over, hoping that I will feel better. I rest my head on the pillow, feeling something warm nuzzle into my neck. A hand rests itself on my right hip and a leg makes its way in between my legs. 

Wait, who am I in bed with? 

My eyes shoot open and I look down at the head resting in my neck. Phil?! 

Oh my God, oh my God. We couldn't have. 

I quickly untangle myself from him and he moves to sleep on his back. I realize we're laying on a mattress in the living room. I look under the covers, seeing that I'm wearing a man's boxers and Doug's blazer? Nothing else is on me except Phil's hand that finds itself on my abdomen. 

"Phil," I hiss, ignoring how bad my head hurts to wake him up. I'm about to say his name louder when I feel someone literally step and trip over us. 

"What the fuck?" Phil sits up in pain. "Control yourself, man. Goddamn, will you put on some pants?" I turn my head to see he's talking to Alan who is pantless. 

"Phil," I say softly. He looks down at me without a second thought as if he can't recognize who he's in bed with. 

"Ash," His eyes widen, looking around to make sure my brother hasn't realized we're in bed together. 

"Phil, do not go inside of the bathroom," Alan warns. 

Phil looks under the covers to see we're both wearing underwear. Except we don't know who's boxers I'm wearing because they're definitely not Phil's since he has his own. He covers me and motions for me to remain quiet. "Al, just calm down. It's me."

"There is a tiger in the bathroom," Alan says. 

"What's going on?" I hear Stu call out. 

Alan continues to shout and Phil helps me stand up. My legs feel utter weak and he practically needs to hold me up. 

"Phil, I don't feel well," I mutter. 

"I know," He pushes the hair out of my face. 

"Hmm," I smile at how soothing his hand feels on my cheek. Get yourself together, Aspen.

"Do you need to throw up?" I shake my head. 

All of a sudden, I feel an arm snake around my back and another underneath my legs until I'm being held in bridal style. Phil carries me to the couch and I groan as I lay down. 

I hear chuckling. "I see her boobies."

"Alan!" Stu yells as Phil snaps, "Dude!" 

Phil fixes the blazer so it covers my breasts. Alan continues to shout about a "jungle cat" and Phil tells him he's going to check it out. I hear his footsteps and then I feel sick. I sit up so quickly, I feel dizzy. I find the will to stand up and run to the bathroom. I knock into Phil and practically crawl inside until my head is hovering over the toilet. I sense Phil behind me as he holds my hair back. I spit but I don't throw up. I hate this feeling. Why can't I throw up? I know I'll feel better if I do. 

"Ash, don't freak out," I hear Phil whisper. "But there's a tiger in here."

"What?" I grip onto him and he helps me to my feet. I wipe my mouth with one of the towels and then look at what he's staring at. "Hi, tiger. Oh my God, Phil, we need to get out."

Phil and I rush out of the bathroom. 

"There's a tiger in there," Phil chuckles. 

I drag my feet to the kitchen to get a bottle of water out of the refrigerator. I don't care at this point as I watch Phil put on his blue dress shirt. I grab three more, handing one to Alan as I walk past him, and then give one each to Phil and Stu. I sit in between them, feeling pain in the pit of my stomach from being so hungover. I cover my ears as everyone continues to speak. 

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