R.A.B & J.P

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(A/N- Haven't reread it yet so might not be clear at sometimes)

8 March 2021

It started on movie night, to be specific this week was throwback week and this year they would go over the time when James, Regulus and the marauders went to school. Well earlier in that week some Slytherin found some old tape and watched them. They decided they should be view by everyone which does include every wizard that is related to a student. It would bring back memories to wizards who were student at that time but was obligated to forget the name Regulus Black except his close ones.

The tapes were made by a girl named Jade De La Croix who was going to be at the ceremony and was a known photograph among the wizard community.

"We the student of Hogward present to you a love story and a friendship story!" A Slytherin boy said surprising everyone as this was normally done by an adult.

'videos and photos done by Jade De La Croix. September 1 1976.

A picture was shown, a picture with three boys and three girls. Alex Hale -a famous writer-, Andrew Bailey -maried to famous writer Alex Hale-, Ava Hale -died in war saving girlfriend-, Jade De La Croix -famous photographer, saved by girlfriend in war-, Regulus Black -forgotten boy- and Angela Babineaux -ex-wife of death eater Peter Pettigrew-.

"Regulus say hi to the camera this will be worth millions someday. Hell I could sell it and they would make it a reality show, believe me you are interesting." The voice of Jade could be heard from behind the camera.

"Oh shove off Jade. The only way this will be worth something is if I live pass 30 and make something out of myself. Now let's be realistic here, I'll be lucky if I make past twenty." The forgotten boy said receiving laughs.

"Fine, you can record at all time, I don't have to know you are but not when I'm sleeping or having sex. Those are sacred moments for me I don't want them on camera." Regulus said.'

'23 October 1976, in Regulus' room

"So Regulus, Barty what are going to be your costume?" Jade asked.

"I'm going to be a heaters from the muggle musical Heaters with Alex and Evan and Barty doesn't need a costume as he's already a clown." Regulus said coldly.

"I said I was sorry, don't be such a bitch." Barty said and that earned a tiny hex from Regulus.

"Call me a bitch again and I'll use my mother's favorite curse." Regulus said still holding his wand to Barty's neck.

"Fine. I won't call you a bitch again." Barty said rolling his eyes.

"Thank you." Regulus said turning back to the camera and lowering down his wand.

"But I'm not dressing up this year." Barty said and Regulus snickered beside him, Barty put his hand on Regulus hip and squeezed it to the point where it hurt and he was wincing.

"Oi stop that-" Jade said and it automatically cut.'

'1 November 1976, Regulus' room 

"Ugh that asshole as the guts to do that to me and then come up to me the minute were alone and tell me he loves me?!" Regulus cried into Ava's shoulder.

"Regulus you should break up with him for good. He cheats on you 24/7 and you two clearly don't love each other. You scream at him and then he cheats on you, it's not healthy for either of you." Ava said rubbing Regulus' back.

"But he said he loved me, if I try harder maybe It'll go back to how it was." He said raising his head from Ava's shoulder.

"Honey no, do not worry. When you and him break up we will all be here for you, we won't leave you no matter what." Angela said.

"Fine I'll break up with him but when I'm ready. I don't love him anymore, I just need him by my side." Regulus said looking down.

"You have us by your side." Andrew said.

"Thank you." Regulus said and then it cut.'

'23 December 1976, Regulus' room

"Are you sure you want to go tonight? We can just skip it and have a great little party here." Ava said with her hands on Regulus' shoulder who was getting ready for the school Christmas dance.

"I'm going, if he wants to go on a break and fuck some bitch I'll just have to show him that he's nothing but a piece of shit and get with someone else better so literally anyone else but him." Regulus said clearly bitter.

"So you'll break up with him?" Angela asked with hope.

"Probably, I don't like him anymore I was just keeping him around as a fuck-toy." Regulus said looking at himself in the mirror.

"A fuck toy with a small dick isn't a good fuck toy." Andrew said and everyone laughed including Regulus.

"He knows how to use it and it's getting bigger, why do you think I stayed with him?" regulus asked with a smirk on his lips.

"Yeah I guess but imagine, if you find someone that knows how to use his dick and is big. Just ask Andrew." Alex said slapping Andrew ass while walking beside him.

"He's right." Andrew said and Ava groaned in disgust.

"Can you two not do that when I'm around? It's gross." Ava said.

"Fine." Alex said but everyone knew that was a lie.'

'31 December 1976, Hale's place

~the beginning of the love story~

"So Regulus the camera wants to know the wonderful update on your love life." Jade said and a smiley genuinely happy Regulus could be seen.

"Officially broke up with Barty and I'm dating the best man I've ever seen. He treats me well, care for me and he's just perfect in general." Regulus said looking completely smitten.

"So the rumors are really true? Is James Potter big?" Alex asked.

"I wasn't lying when I said he was the biggest I'd seen." Regulus said and him and Ava started to laugh.

He was truly happy.

(A/N- Btw one of my head canon is that Regulus is trans ftm. So how I'm gonna play it out is he found out right before going to Hogwarts and then his parents were accepting because they wanted another heir since Sirius got sorted in Gryffindor and went for the surgeries to make sure he never got boobs and everything. Everytime the camera is mentioned it's something thats shown to everyone. And yes there is more than that is shown but I didn't want to write all that since it sound so clearly like a writer's block material.)

{ } is for when it's James' pov

~ ~ is for when it's Regulus' pov

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