Epilogue (Changed)

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(a/n- sorry if it's all messed up. I wrote this at 4 am)

Regulus and Barty were now engaged instead of Regulus being engaged off to Alex. His friends didn't speak to him anymore, well everyone except Evan. Evan went with him and was now best friends with Barty again. Barty moved into Regulus' private room making Jade and Ava move out a day after. Losing his friends meant losing all contact with the Hales.

Even if he lost all his best friend Regulus was happy with Barty, everyone knew about them and everyone supported them out of fear. Jade still recorded Regulus, she did until they graduated.

James was still with Lily Evan, Regulus' old friends new best friends was her in fact. Sirius loved Lily, so did Peter and Remus even tho at first he wasn't sure about her, especially when he saw Regulus looking James and her being all cuddly with slight tears that never fall in his eyes but when he got to know her wasn't that bad.

Regulus became depressed when he gave his baby -who looked like him, his eye color and everything- to his cousin. A month (around may) after her birth, he joined the death eaters with Barty. 

During the summer he got pregnant again, he was asked by his parents because they needed a grandchild after the stunt Regulus pulled with the last pregnancy and getting engaged with Barty. His parents like Barty better tho, especially when they joined the death eaters. He gave birth to a beautiful two baby boy and they named them Castor Regulus Black and Pollux Barty Black. They gave them to Barty's mom while they were away at school for their last year.

They graduated and got married a month after, at that point they truly loved each other and their relationship was healthy. Regulus still loved James, more Barty, he always would til the day he died.

Regulus' death broke Barty and that was what drove him insane.

James also got married right out of high school. He still felt bad about cheating on Regulus and still loved him. 

Sirius never found out about his and Regulus' relationship until years later when he was cleaning his brothers room for Harry and found some old picture of James and Regulus together kissing, hugging, smiling. He found letters from James to Regulus and one letter from Regulus saying the he forgave James and still loved him and that he found a way to save the world if it works and to Sirius it sounded like a death note and then he saw the date and froze. He remembered that in a letter it said Remus knew so he went to Remus who explained everything. From the Christmas party to their break up in their 7th year and the cause of it. Sirius felt bad for his brother and hated James for hurting his brother for a while but not being to stay mad at his dead best friend it wasn't long and hating himself for being stupid and hurting his brother without knowing it. He felt as he should have known something was up when Regulus got with Barty again.

Remus always felt bad that he got along with Lily knowing what her and James did to Regulus but when Regulus seemed to be good and happy he stopped thinking about it but still feeling bad.

Regulus and James daughter was named Olivia Eve Tonk, she was a Gryffindor Engaged to George Weasley with two kid. She did know Regulus was he father and that she had another father but she didn't know who her other father (James) was.

So she did know she was related to Castor and Pollux but knew Barty wasn't her father from when she asked Andy.

She met Sirius and he apparently didn't even know about her existent. Regulus hid his pregnancy very well apparently.

Castor and Pollux were shunned by everyone when their father Barty was found guilty of the Longbottom situation. They were sent to Narcissa and grew up like brothers with Draco and Narcissa loved them both just as much as Draco. Lucius wasn't very found of them. When they were getting forced to get the dark mark they ran away to their sister, who along with Ted and Andy Tonks welcomed them. All three looked more like Regulus than their other dad and the boys were glad about that, thought Olivia was curious what her other father looked like.

And thats how Jegulus went from nothing to perfect soulmate to nothing with memories.

(A/N - all this information wasn't shown in front of everyone it's just to end this story just like that)

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