~Everything will be perfect.~

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(A/N- the years on the songs aren't all from the 70's some are from the 80's or 90's)

20 June 1977

Now it was months after the prank. We got back at the Gryffindor Quidditch team for their prank -we did win the game since we were so pissed- and that day I told James to eat in his room. It was hilarious, James was mad that I was in on it but forgave me two days after. I'm on the pill and my body isn't as skinny as I was before, my ass has grown -which James love-, sadly so has my hips and my emotions for the first few days were crazy. But I looked more feminine, just last weekend I got more stronger testosterone booster after a week of asking Madam Pomfrey she said yes after researching making sure it would affect my birth control or the other way.

Evan apologized for taking Barty's side in the break up and ignored me and now we're back friends and he's back in our friend group. And since he's hanging out with us he found out that James and I were together and he said 'so he wasn't crazy then.' apparently Barty had been going on and on to Evan and Severus about how James and I were dating and they both called him crazy every time while laughing at him.

I had barely been in my room and a lot of my stuff is in James' dorm now. But we made sure everything can be hidden if Sirius or anyone come in his room and see my stuff. But I did hang out with my friends a lot these days, more than when I was with Barty. 

Remus had helped us a lot when coming to Sirius catching us.

But something changed. My parents sent me a letter that could ruin everything.

"So what's the plan with James?" Jade asked once everyone left and it was only her and I.

"I'm not sure, my parents want me to get the mark. They will force me if I refuse, I need to get out but if I do they will get Sirius. But if I let them do this I will loose James. And I can't loose him, I-i-i'm pregnant. And I want to keep it, but I know I can't because they would be welcomed in a messed up world that I don't want them to see." I said and I choked out sobs not caring that her camera was on me.

"I thought you were on the pill." Jade said setting the camera down without thinking about anything but comforting me. It was still on but neither of us knew that in the moment.

"Well it's shit. It didn't work. And now i gotta tell James I want his kid but can't have it. For fuck sake I used to hate kids why am I having trouble with this." I said crying even more.

"How far along are you?" Jade asked.

"A month, I don't know how he doesn't know. I have tiny boobs coming in. I feel so disgusting I want to cut them off with a razor." I said starting to calm down.

"I'm gonna call Ava over I think I have an idea." Jade said and I nodded.

Ava arrived within three minutes.

"Regulus are you okay?" Ava asked running to him and hugging me.

"My parents want me to get the mark and I'm pregnant with James and he doesn't know and I want to keep it but I can't and I hate my body because I have boobs coming in." I said and started to cry again.

"Oh Regulus I'm not letting your parents ruin anything. And for the baby you decide what you want to do." Ava said holding my face in her hand.

"I have a suggestion. What if you two got engaged? It would take his parents off his back for at least two years until you are 18 and he could move in at yours Ava." Jade said.

"Sure, Regulus do you want to marry me?" Ava asked getting on one knee.

"Sure." I said and chuckled but was soon changed to a sob.

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