-Love you too Reggie.-

452 10 4

20 January 1977

This is going to be Sirius' pov

I was on my way back from the pharmacy, I got a letter from Regulus asking for another plan b pill. And a book of condoms

'Hey Sirius I know you said that you wouldn't be there for me again but can you please go buy another plan b pill? I swear it'll be the last time. Also buy a box of condoms I want to throw it at him.

-Reg <3' 

When I know who the guy who did this to my little brother I will kill him. When I got back to hogwarts I flew to his window. No one but him was in his room, damn the guy is already gone. I knocked on the window and he got up and unlocked it. I was let in and dropped my broom when I saw him crying.

"Hey hey it's ok. Everything is okay." I whispered hugging him.

"I blew it. He won't ever talk to me, he hates me." He cried out.

"Who?" I asked.

"I'm sorry but he will be staying a secret. I don't want you to kill him." he said into my shoulder.

"I won't I promise." I lied taking his face and squeezing his face in my hands.

"No, I-I love him. You will hate me if you know who it is." He said and started to cry even more.

"Come on it can't be worse than Crouch." I said and he chuckled a little.

"I would be fine telling you but I don't know if he is. I wouldn't want to tell you without his permission." He said regaining his usual calm self.

"Okay. But the moment you can tell me you will tell me alright?" I asked and he nodded. "Alright I got the pill here, it's the same like last time. Wait is it the same guy?"

"Yes. We got together. Believe it or not he care about me. He's perfect." He said and a smile appeared on his face.

"Well if he cares about you why isn't he here? Why wasn't it him who went and got the pill. Wait you did tell him right." I asked looking around.

"I kicked him out. He didn't have the chance to offer. And yes I did tell him. His condom broke." He said looking anywhere but me.

"Okay well go on take it. Can we have a sleepover like we did when we were young?" I asked and he took the pill.

"Yes!" He said looking at me with a giant smile. One I hadn't seen since before Hogwarts. Damn maybe the guy is good for him.

"Alright you should go wash up. I'll write to Remus, James and Peter that I'll be staying here with you." I said walking to his table and getting a peace of paper and a pen.

"Ok." He said getting in the shower.

I wrote to them saying. 

'Hey guys I'm staying with Regulus he's going through something so we are having a sleepover. I'll see you tomorrow morning.

P.s Moony I love you sleep well you can take one of my hoodie if you want. Please do I want it to smell like you <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 xoxoxoxo' 

Regulus got out of the shower about twenty minutes after. And he got out of the bathroom in his pjs.

"Change the sheets. I'm not sleeping in those." I said still from the chair.

"Alright." Regulus said opening his closet door and pulling out new sheets. And I saw a Gryffindor sweeter. One that definitely wasn't mine.

"Sooo he's a Gryffindor huh?" I asked smugly. And Regulus slammed the door closed with the new sheets on the floor.

"No. It's an old sweater you left at home, I didn't want it thrown away by them" He lied through his teeth.

"Nope. No way. I never ever had a sweater like that. I never liked that style so I never got it and I know it's new because this year is the first year you can buy it. And it looked way too big to be one of mine much more an old one of mine." I said walking toward him as he guarded the door.

"Maybe it's your boyfriends and you forgot it and I thought it was yours." He said searching any other possibility that I would believe. "Please he don't want you to know. Can you respect him at least?"

"Fine. But I will find out who he is. Even if you don't tell me." I said and walked back to the chair.

"Aren't you gonna help me?" He asked.

"If you think I'm touching that you are crazy." I said signaling his bed.

"Fine sleep on the floor then." Reg said talking off the dirty bed sheets.

"Fine I'll help but I'm only touching the new bed sheets." I said and he nodded putting the old in a hamper that took the clothes and dropped them somewhere else.

I helped him put on the new bed sheets and then we got in it. We laid face to face and talked for hours.

When I was almost Regulus whispered something.

"Goodnight. Love you."

"Love you too Reggie."

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