~The redheaded skank.~

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1 September 1977

After a long summer at the Hales, I was going to see James again. I was glowing with joy, I was showing more and had to wear bigger clothes but it was easily hidden with my robe, unlike my boobs which had grown a lot during the summer, well in my opinion everyone say they can't see them but I feel like they are all everyone can see when they see me and I hate it. I knew no one would really notice but I still wore really big clothes even if everyone knew.

News about my engagement was everywhere but my parents and Ava and Alex's parents didn't want us to get married. I'm not sure why my parents didn't want us to get married but the Hales noticed I was pregnant and Ava told them it was Alex's. To our surprise they were supportive of us and 'our' baby. So instead of Ava and I being engaged it was Alex and I. Andrew was pissed by this and rightfully so, if that was me and news about James getting married to some other person I would be sad and pissed.

We told him the truth the minute we got on the train, he tried to apologize but we didn't let him feel bad since he was hurt. I had decided to wait until I'm at Hogwarts to see James again.

Everyone looked at Alex and I but we ignored it and made it to my personal separate room that was offered by Dumbledore to Alex and I. We told them that he wasn't actually the father and that I would like to have Ava and Jade with me there and they agreed. Now we were also close to the head boy and girl's rooms so that would be fun and less sneaking around the entire castle.

You might wonder why not Angela too? Well basically she's ignoring us all and spending all her time with Peter and his friends.

"So everyone welcome to our own room!" Jade said with her camera out recording everywhere. "And here is our very own precious pregnant teenager." She said pointing the camera to me.

"So when is the baby daddy coming around? You two must miss each other a lot after a summer of no contact. I'm surprised you haven't jumped each others bones yet." Ava teased poking softly at my belly.

"I'm not sure, I sent him a letter to come by but as you can see he's still not here." I said bitterly going back to unpacking my stuff.

"Oh come one Reg don't be bitter. He's probably busy with head boy stuff, especially on the first day. He probably don't have time to come over." Ava said.

"Yeah I guess. Ugh what if he's mad at me about the whole engagement thing. I told him I was proposing to you not Alex." I said sitting on my bed.

"He won't, and if he is you'll explain everything and you two will be back all over the other all the time." Jade said in a teasing tone bringing the camera closer to me. "in fact why don't you go to his room?"

"Alright, I'll go. He better has a good excuse for dismissing me." I joked getting up and making my way out of our room.

I walked to James room, it was the same as last year so I still had my keys. I unlocked the door and walked in to see my worst nightmare.

My naked boyfriend in bed with a naked particular redheaded -skank- girl.

I decided to hex him with my best legal curse. And it's legal because I made it myself while I was dating Barty. Knew it would come in handy someday.

"How dare you! You knock me up and tell me you love me then go fuck the closest skank you find?! How long have you been cheating?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

"Regulus I swear it's a one time thing." James said getting up from the floor, putting his boxers on and coming up to me.

"We've been screwing for a month. And before you call someone a skank look at the picture who is pregnant here?" Lily said sitting up on his bed.

"Lily get out." James said almost screaming.

"No I'll get out, have fun with a filthy whore like her. Hope she's better than your child." I said before walking out of his room slamming the door.

I ran to my room and Jade was still recording our room and Ava.

"Regulus oh my god! What happened?" Ava asked once she saw me.

"He cheated on me." I said sobbing falling to the floor.

"He what?! Oh I'm going to kill him." Ava said running to me and dropping to the floor to hug me. 

"He won't ever see this child. And if he comes close to them I'll kill him with my bare hands." I said feeling the feeling I felt when I was with Barty. The one I did not miss.

"Who did he cheat on you with?" Jade asked still filming, I never asked why she recorded me having mental break downs and such but I knew she had a motive of some kind.

"The redheaded skank." I said and they looked at me confused. "Lily Evans." 

"Oh shit. Was it a one time thing or?" Ava asked.

"No they've been doing it for a month apparently. What a perfect couple, the whore and the cheater. Reminds me of Barty and I." I said and laughed at the irony. "Damn I should have stayed with Barty, at least with him I knew what I was getting and my parents liked him."

"So are you still keeping the baby? I mean I don't think it's too late for an abortion." Jade said turning off the camera.

"No I can't have a abortion even if it's not too late. I am emotionally attached to it, I love this little thing, I want to raise it on my own if I need too. Even if it's a replica of James. I will love my little bean with all my heart." I said touching my belly smiling.

"Then I will help you raise it and so will Alex. Even if you two don't end up marrying one another." Ava said making me laugh.

"No I want my baby to have a dad. And I don't want to give birth alone. It has always been my childhood dream to have a baby with the person I love. I just want somebody that loves me." I said and I started to cry again.

"You will find the one for you Regul-" Jade started to say.

"No. I'm getting with Barty again. I'll give my baby to Andromeda and kill that redheaded bitch." I said seeing red.

"I'll always support you. I'll be your alibi if you want. But please don't get with Barty again." Ava said.

"I am. I need him. Maybe he grew up and will treat me right this time. Also it will make James feral." I said and they looked at each other.

"Fine but when he hurts you don't forget we told you." Jade said and they left.

"You're gonna get a good home baby I promise. Andy is super nice and out of all this stuff. You'll be able to be yourself." I said speaking to my stomach.

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