~I can't leave you guys~

596 12 0

24 December 1976

"I don't remember what we did last night like the last thing I remember was going to dance with James after the truth or dare game but I do have stuff to tell you about this morning tho." I said with the big smile I had on earlier and they ooo'd. "So I woke up with his arms around me, then I started to realize what had happen since you know we both were naked. Which I must say quidditch does him justice. So when I realized what we had done and where we were which was in his room, I started to panic like any normal human would. So tried to wake him up but it didn't work but then guess what. Sirius comes to the door and start knocking so loud and that did wake James up. Supposedly they all had to go somewhere but I then kinda ordered James to thinking of a way no one in the house or around the house would see me and thats when he got the idea of the floo. So he told Sirius and Lupin that he would be late and to leave without him. And while he was downstairs I put on his sweatpants and hoodie, when he came back he looked at me and he told me I looked wow, we made out and he got on top of me and he was soooooo hot but I stopped it there. So then we went downstairs I asked for a glass of water since I was and still am hungover and he got me one. He then asked me if I believed in the pureblood stuff and if I was gonna end up doing everything they said. I said yes and that no I didn't believe it but he was sad I was gonna do everything my parents said then I explained everything to him and bla bla bla he has a plan to get me out but I said no and I'm we're dating." I said telling them everything I remember.

"Oh my god! So he treats you good? Like we shouldn't feel worried when you're with him?" Ava asked excited about the news.

"Yes, he is perfect. I feel safe with him. He does treat me like I could break any seconds tho." I said tilting my head the end thinking about it.

"Probably because you could, I mean no offense but you are royally messed up. Like you are one of the best person we know but you still hold your place for most mentally unstable of this year. You deserve everything that good in the world and now you might do. Even if it's Potter." Alex said. I know it might seem like he was insulting me and if it was anyone else I would have hexed them but I knew he meant good. He always did, he was a kind hearted himbo. But he was our himbo.

"I think you should take your chance to leave. I'd be great for you. And you could reunite with Sirius once and for all without the bad influence in your life." Ava said getting up and getting me clothes.

"I can't leave you guys." I said trying to resist the idea of getting out of this life.

"Oh please, we will see each other at school. We will still be friends, you can't get rid of us that easily. But seriously go for it, you deserve happiness." Alex said with his reassuring voice.

"I will wait a bit, see how it goes with James fist. Then I will make a decision. But for now I am staying here with you guys. We just started dating calm down, you all thought Barty was nice at first too." I said trying to work an plan if everything goes to shit.

"Alright I get that, but you can't compare Barty and Potter. But we will let you decide what you wanna do." Alex said understanding what I was doing.

"Alright so wear this and everyone will forget about that horrible lie." Ava said handing me what I was gonna wear.

"Was it that horrible, mom believed it." I said putting my clothes on.

"I think you broke your record for worst lie. And let me tell you she's the only one who believed it." Alex said snickering.

"Look it's fine. Let's just go down stairs. I'm pretty sure I saw Pandora getting stuck in-between your cousins." Ava said pulling both Alex and I out the room.

We made our way downstairs still being pulled by Ava even if we were walking behind her without protests either way. I made my way toward Pandora.

"Hey Pandora wanna go talk it's been so long." I said putting my arm around her and waling away from Bellatrix and Narcissa. 

"But you see each other-" Narcissa started but we were already gone before she could finish her sentence. 

"Oh my god. Thank you so much." Pandora said hugging me.

"No problem." I said and then we reached Ava, Alex, Evan and Jade. We stayed together for the rest of the day. Barty did try and talk to me but I ignored him completely. So say the least for an pure-blood event it was good.

My parents didn't try to talk to me until they end and this is how it went.

"So Regulus, what was that stunt earlier? We better not hear anything bad about you or there will be consequences." Walburga said with her serious face.

"We just care about you and we wouldn't want you to destroy your own name and our family name for some useless person or thing. Alright? If you mess up just once we are setting you up for marriage." Orion said trying to get me to believe they actually care about me.

"I won't, now I must go say goodbye to Pandora. Goodbye, Mother, Father." I said nodding my head at them before walking away.

So I said goodbye to Pandora, Bellatrix and Narcissa. My parents left soon after my cousins and Barty and the Malfoys left right after my parents. Sooner that later everyone were gone, Jade was staying over too which was fun.

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