{He's innocent!}

588 10 1

7 January 1977

When it was the night before we go back to Hogwarts Remus came into my room and slammed the door behind him

"James I know what you are up to." Remus said even before he slammed the door.

I jumped and hide my letter to Regulus, "Jesus! What do you mean? I'm up to nothing." I said in my best nonchalant voice.

"I know you are dating Regulus, I've seen some of the letters. James why did you have to get with Sirius' little brother? Don't you know all the baggage that comes with dating a black especially Regulus from what I've seen." Remus said disappointed.

"Alright look, Regulus might be a little messed up but he's still a really nice person. And he makes me feel things I've never felt before. He just is wow. He also don't believe in the pure-blood shit if you're scared of that." I said trying to get Regulus to come off as his wonderful self.

"He may be that but you know damn well he won't go agains his parents wish right? And if he does he has to many ties to tye him back there." Remus said trying to get me to see something but I'm not sure what tho.

"Yes I know. We have already talked about it. We have a plan of he wants to escape that life and if he decide to stay we will enjoy our time in the present." I said in all honesty. 

"And you know if you hurt him, he will probably do the same things he did with Barty right? I mean dancing with you to get him back. And probably other stuff. And his friends, they exposed Barty's ass last night because he hurted Regulus a lot. You really think they will hold off because they don't know you as much as Barty? No they wouldn't, they'd probably blast your ass even more." Remus said and it did make sense but why would I hurt Regulus.

"I'd never hurt Regulus and his friends can't expose me like they did Barty, my dick isn't small. And the dancing wasn't to make Barty jealous it was so Regulus and I could be together without you or Sirius or anyone else wondering about it. And don't compare me to Farty Crotch. Also don't talk bad about Regulus. Or his friends, they are like the only Slytherins who wouldn't scream blood-traitor at me. So, so far they are good in my book." I said with a calm voice.

"James. I understand what you could see in him but please be careful not to get hurt. I will support you and Regulus but I'm not saying I like him yet, he will have to prove to me he isn't using you." Remus said also more calm and I understood he just didn't want to see me hurt.

"Ok thank you and please don't tell Sirius. Regulus said he wasn't ready and wants to re-build his relationship with Sirius and tell him when we are ready." I said and Remus nodded. "Alright I'm gonna gp back to writing. Goodnight Moony."

"Goodnight Prongs." He said back refilling my hair before leaving.

~The day after on the train~

"Oh my god, I can't wait for the chocolate frogs from the cart lady. They are the best." Remus said with a smile. 

"Honey, you are eating chocolate right now tho." Sirius said signaling the chocolate in front of Remus.

"Yes as I said THE BEST is the frogs, this is amateur chocolate. Try better next time." Remus said giving Sirius a peck on the lips.

"Ew that was to sweet. I like tuff Remus. Not this sloppy bitch." I said getting a kick in the leg from who I assume was Remus. "Ow you bitch."

"Alright calm down, James brother please refrain from insulting the love of my life. I will let him hit you next time." Sirius said sounding like a lawyer.

"But he did hit me!" I said dramatically.

"I'm innocent, and even if I did hurt you it was a kick. But I still plead innocent." Remus said giving Sirius a look that says agree with me and I'll thank you later.

"He's innocent!" Sirius screamed putting his arm from remus' shoulder to his waist.

"This looks like a bad porn." Marlene said walking in.

"What do you want?" Sirius asked not looking away from Moony.

"WE wanted to know what the fuck happened with the Slytherins and especially your brother Sirius..." Marlene said and Lily and Mary was behind her.

"What do you mean?" I asked suddenly paying real good attention.

"Well we don't know what led up to it but almost every Slytherins hates your brother and his friends." Lily said.

"You think this is about the party. I mean THE PARTY." Sirius exclaimed with dramatic hands signals.

"Maybe, they did went hard on Farty Crotch." I said earning a snicker from Remus.

"Wait you guys didn't see the video of Regulus crying?" Peter asked.

"I wasn't there." I pointed out and Peter nodded remembering.

"Angie told me they were freaking out because it was the video of Regulus they showed us at the party." Peter said. 

"But really who would have known two pureblood supremacist would be gay. I guess he isn't your parents perfect child after all Sirius." Lily said with her gossipy voice and a snicker on her face.

I felt anger forming inside of me for the way she spoke about Regulus.

"Don't talk about my brother like that. No one is perfect. And he is the result of years of abuse and brainwashing. Trust me my brother has a heart of gold, my parents just put coal all around it sadly." Sirius said defending Regulus while still insulting his parents.

"That doesn't make what he did forgivable. Sirius we know he's your brother but you have to see a lost cause when it is one. He is one." Mary said defending Lily's words.

"He isn't a lost cause. No one is." I said with a face that said 'don't mess with me' and they stepped up to say something.

"Just leave before we all regret what we say." Remus said being one of the only reasonable one there. Who unlike everyone else got why both James and Sirius defended Regulus and not just Sirius.

The girls left and it was silence for a minute.

"Wait Prongs why'd you defend Regulus?" Sirius asked finally getting that part to sink in his brain.

"When we got put in that bedroom at the party we talked and he said he didn't believe in all the bullshit your parents told him. And his friendship with Bailey and De La Croix seemed real, I mean it seemed genuine unlike what the rumors said. He in-fact has more hope of leaving all that like you did than any of the other pureblood fake supremacist. And even more now that Crouch isn't holding him back. He was really drunk and high, that's why he opened up to me, he would have to anyone probably."  I said trying to not to lie a lot and just changing some stuff.

"Wait oh thank god! For a second I thought you shagged with my younger brother. Wait what about the hickey on his neck after the dare?" Sirius asked realizing stuff has he talked more and more.

"Oh yeah I did that to make Couch jealous thinking he would still be out there when we left. It was his idea." I said holding my hands up.

"Wow I hope he doesn't go back to Crouch tho." Sirius said and suddenly I had that picture in mind. And let me tell you not a good thing to picture.

"He wouldn't." Remus said probably seeing I was getting uncomfortable yet mad. "From what I saw at the party they really hate each other now."

"True but Regulus once threw a vase at Crouch's head because he was mad. Next thing you know they were back together supposedly." Sirius said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"He seemed to have changed tho." I said staying optimistic.

"Yeah maybe. I hope so." Sirius said sinking back into Remus arms.

Sirius went back to sleep, Peter was asleep the whole time and Remus shot me a glance before falling asleep hugging Sirius. I couldn't sleep tho. All I could think about was Regulus and the fear of him leaving me. When we were close to Hogwarts I got up and went to the bathroom shaking Peter off me.

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