~Yea of course.~

649 13 4

24 December 1976

I woke up with a headache and arms around my body. I turned around and saw James sleeping naked beside me. Then I realized I was also naked. I looked around I I was in a room I didn't know, but I could see that it was James by the photo wall with his friends. If we ever do it again in here I will need that off the wall. Then I started to panic when I remembered about Sirius, he lives here. 

"James. James. Wake up. We fucked up." I whispered shaking him.

He only groaned and hugged me tighter.

"OI JAMES! WAKE UP! WE GOTTA LEAVE IN 30 MINUTES!" Sirius yelled through the door. James sat up so quickly I almost fell on the floor. 

"yeah alright I'll be right down!" James screamed back. He then looked at me panicked.

"I don't remember anything. Do you?" I asked quietly so no one would hear me if the passed by.

"No, I don't remember anything after dancing after the truth or dare game. Jesus what have we gotten ourself in." He said running his hands through his hair.

"Well I don't know Jameees maybe we got me fucking killed." I said dramatically. Yes I was being dramatic but I was telling the truth, if my parents found out I was doing it with a Potter I would get killed. They wouldn't care about how I was gay but it would be the fact that James is a blood traitors.

"Now I see how you and Sirius are related. So dramatic." He said joking.

"James I'm not joking. If my parents find out I was with you. They will kill me and spoiler alert, if I'm dead they will do everything to get Sirius back. And you wouldn't want that would you? No so think fast we need a way I can get back to Ava's house without anyone here seeing me or anyone around here seeing me. Come on James use your savior complete for something good for once" I said ordering him around and he just looked at me nodding. if anyone would have seen this it would have looked like a mother yelling at her child while the child nods scared shitless.

"Alright I can tell Sirius and Remus I will be late and that they can leave without me. My parents are gone to my relatives, so we don't have to worry about that. Then we can flop you to Hale's house. We could owl each other and keep in touch until we see each other again if you want." James said looking more stable than Regulus was who was grateful he was because at least one person had to have a clear mind in this situation.

"Alright, thats smart. Thank you." I said and giving him a peck. I smiled at him and he smiled back before leaving the room.

About 15 minutes later he came back in.

"Alright so they left and we have the house to ourself. So now we can go forward with the plan and flow you there." James said and after he looked at me, he checked me and I blushed looking down. I had taken one of his hoodies and a pair of sweatpants. "Wow you look- wow."

"Thank you, and also sorry I just took them I hope it's ok." I said looking away from him.

"Oh no worries it's more than ok. I have plenty more and it look better on you than me." He said walking over to me and rapping his arms around waist.

what's his obsession with my waist I though. But I didn't speak on it, that would be for another day.

He kissed me, I kissed back, bla bla bla. We are on his bed making out and he was hovering me. I pulled away and looked at him.

So fucking hot but I need to go I though but this time I actually said it.

"So fucking hot but I need to go."

"Alright let's go downstairs." He said getting off of me.

We got up and went downstairs.

"Can I have a glass of water please?" I asked sitting in front of the burning chimney.

"Yea of course." He said running into the kitchen and returning with two glasses of water, one for himself and one for myself.

"Thanks." I said taking the glass from him.

"Can I ask you two things?" He asked sounding serious.

"Sure." I said but I was a little unsure.

"Are you gonna end up doing what your parents want? Do you actually believe in all that bullshit?" He asked looking straight into my eyes.

"Yes I will. I gotta." I said looking down.

"Why?" He asked sitting beside me.

"Like I said earlier if I don't they will get Sirius, he deserves to be happy. He protected me my whole life now it's my turn to protect him." I said looking up.

"But are you happy? You also deserve to be happy." He said holding my hand, I flinched a little at first before relaxing and letting him touch me.

"James the thing is I don't. I'm a coward, people manipulate me so easily and honestly I realize they do I'm not dumb and yet I still let them. When I graduate I am expected things. Have I thought about running away when I turn 18? Yes. Will I do it? No. And no I don't believe in it, it make me sick, I hate how even we are related. It's disgusting. But I gotta believe it to survive thats just how it is." I said sternly.

"But it doesn't have to be like that, we could hide you here. We are very hard to find, it's almost like we don't exist unless you are right outside or inside. And if you don't like it here, we got a just as much or even more secretive. And we could also bring Sirius so he would also be same." James said and I smiled, that sounded lovely.

"That sound lovely, but I can't leave my friends. Ava, Alex, Jade and Evan need me as much as I need them, Pandora also needs me, I can't leave them." I said and he frowned.

"Alright, I'll try until you say yes." James kissing my cheek. "And wanna be my boyfriend?"

"Yes of course. Alright good luck, I gotta go now bye." I said giving him a little peck and before I sat back in front of the chimney, sprinkled some floo powder in it and said "Hale's mansion." quietly. I saw an entrance for me to go in and went in.

When I got to the Hale mansion I had a giant smile that got wipe the moment I saw a lot of people in the living room.

"Where have you been? And who's damn clothes is that?" Mrs.Hale said getting up and putting her arm around me protectively.

I saw a bunch of pureblood family including mine. And the Malfoy's. And the Barty with them. Great.

"I um Sirius kinda kidnap me, I mean I blacked out when we arrived at the party and then the next thing I remember was them trying to get me to join them but I said no and hexed him and the others there. While he and the others were hurt I went upstairs and stole some clothes because they have thrown mug on me when I was unconscience and then floo'd here. And now I am here." I lied and only looking at her. I heard snorts from some of those that were there last night but stop when they're parents gave them glares which made me smirk. My parents were mad I could tell but hey ignore the problem until you can't anymore right?

"Oh sweetie go upstairs and get those awful clothes off you. Oh I can't believe this, Ava, Alex help him." Mrs.Hale said looking at her twins, I had always been her favorite. She believed everything I said even if it didn't make one drop of sense, but Mr.Hale him he didn't, he could see through my lying and I'm pretty sure he hates me just for being alive.

Ava grabbed my right arm and Alex took my left arm and dragged me out of there.

When we reached my room they instantly pulled me toward the bed and we all laid on it. 

"So? Tell us what happen. If you remember of course." Alex said from beside me.

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