{You have pretty eyes}

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22 December 1976

Today was the day before Christmas break, yesterday there was a party for those who didn't want to or couldn't go home for the holidays. So I'm gonna explained what happened, so we arrived fashionably late. Made a giant entrance, Pads had his arms over my shoulder and held Moony's hand. Peter had his date, a girl from Slytherins named Angela Babineaux(Pureblood) who Pads hated simply on the fact she was one of Regulus' best friend but she did seem nice. When she spotted her friends she left us dragging Pete with her, the person I had seen around the halls once in a while was also there, Regulus Fucking Black. The others with them were Alexander Hale(Pureblood, Slytherin), Ava Hale (Pureblood, Slytherin), Evan Rosier (Pureblood, Slytherin), Andrew Bailey(muggle-born, Ravenclaw) and Jade De La Croix(Half-Blood, Hufflepuff). Honestly I was surprised when I found out pureblood surpremacist Regulus Black was friends with a muggle-born and a half-blood. But from the looks of it he doesn't care what they are they just all care for each other, I was also surprised when I didn't see Farty crotch wasn't following Regulus like a lost puppy. Pads and Regulus made eye contact before both turning away, Pads took Moony's hand and dragged him to the 'bar' that was just a table with alcohol and not good one if you ask me but still gets ya drunk am I right? Hahaha! I followed them also wanting a drink, you could wonder why a handsome, perfect, nice guy like me doesn't have a date. Well you see Evans is gonna for Christmas and no girls wanted to go with me because 'you don't love me or even like me.' its bullshit if you ask me. When I was dating Mary girls were still all over me even if I made out with her in front of everyone so honestly I don't see the problem now.

"Here Prongs." Sirius said handing me a beer. 

"Thanks, hey what happen to Farty Crotch? Normally he follows your brother like a lost puppy." I asked signaling my head toward the odd group.

"Oh must have gotten in a fight, happens all the time with those two. I swear their friendship is so toxic but as Reg said 'they need each other and they can't leave each other' it's bullshit. And let me tell, Reg can be the bitchiest person I know toward someone, just by not talking to them and ignoring their existing." Sirius said showing sighs of anger in his voice and face.

"What do you think the fight was about?" Remus asked resting his on Pads' shoulder.

"Farty probably said something about Reg's friends as usual and then Reg yelled at him. I bet in two day they are best friends again. Once I got home, my parents weren't there and not even a second step in the house before i heard glass thrown again a wall, I then heard Reg yell 'Go, leave. You don't care about me, go back to her.' he legit sounded like a mess. I didn't get any answer, but I think Reg was the one that threw it. Anyways three days they were hanging out as if nothing happened." Sirius said frowning.

"I guess we will see tonight. Shit who knew the 5th year had that much drama." Remus said after hugging his drinking. Putting an arm around Sirius' waist he asked "So my good sir wanna dance?"

"Oh well of course sweet cheeks." Sirius respond smiling like a child on Christmas morning looking up at Remus.

And they went on to dances.

Everything was going smoothly and for a lot of people it did. But for us the marauders, Regulus and his gang it did not go so perfect. It started about 30 minutes after Remus and Sirius left me to dance, Barty arrived with Alisa Roy kissing her and gripping her ass. Regulus' eye automatically clouded with tears, and he ran out. It seemed I was the only one that saw so I decided to go after him and what I saw was something I never expected to see.

Regulus was crying hysterically on the ground hugging his knees. I sat beside him, he jumped from the sudden person beside him but then when he saw me he jumped hug me. I hugged back tightly rubbing his back.

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