Deleted parts

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These deleted parts were good but not good enough to put in the actual story or they were good but cringe or it just didn't fit in the story but I liked it too much to delete. And there are some that were just so cringe that I wanted you to see

Everything was going smoothly and for a lot of people it did. But for us the marauders, Regulus and his gang it did not go so perfect. It started about 30 minutes after Remus and Sirius left me to dance, Barty arrived with Alisa Roy kissing her and gripping her ass. Regulus' eye automatically clouded with tears, and he ran out. Barty ran after him leaving Alisa alone there. Sirius also saw that and ran out after his brother. Remus and I went along with Sirius.

We turn the corner to see a yelling and crying regulus, a shocked but proud Ava and a poker faced Barty. "FIRST YOU FUCKING CHEAT! THEN SHOW UP WITH MY FUCKING EX?! DO YOU EVER THINK?! HUH BARTY DO YOU EVER FUCKING THINK ABOUT ANYONE BUT YOURSELF?! ANSWER ME YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!" Regulus screamed and hitting Barty on the chest pretty hard from the look of it.

"Look I'm sorry Star. I'm sorry for everything please calm down." Barty said putting his hand on Regulus arms.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME, and don't call me Star!" Regulus screamed pulling arms away from Barty's grip.

"Ok Regulus please listen, I love you. You are the one for me, I'm sorry for cheating and bringing her. Please forgive me." Barty said placing his hands on Regulus' waist who looked like was about to cave any moment. Barty leaned in and Regulus looked utterly emotionally done.

"Don't fucking touch him!" Sirius screamed

"Don't tell me what to do with my boyfriend, I can touch him whenever I fucking want blood traitor." Barty said.

"Don't call him that." Regulus said weakly but still firm.

"What did you say? You know what I think it's time to go." Barty said and before any of us could say anything he walked away super fast.

"What the fuck happened?" We heard from behind us.

It was Ava, Alexander, Jade and Brayden.

"What the fuck is up with Crouch and Regulus?" I asked.

"Oh Barty and regulus has been dating for two years, Barty is draining all his energy out and cheats on him every other day. We tried to put some sense into Regulus but he won't budge. He says Barty loves him but has trouble showing it." Ava said looking at her twin and friends making sure she could answer.

"Trust us we tried everything, but Barty has him wrapped around his fingers." Alexander said also not sure if he should saying this.

"Since when has Barty been like that?" Sirius asked looking prepared to kill Barty and anyone that would stop him.

"From what we know since last year but it might have been longer." Brayden said.

"We need to get him out pf that rel

"Please don't do that. Can you help me?" Regulus asked first looking down then up to my eyes.

"Sure with what?" I agreed then asked.

"Could you dance with me, make him jealous? He hates you with all his guts so it will work.." He asked looking back down.

"Sure. Anything yo make Farty Crotch miserable. But what kind of dancing?" I asked smiling at him.

He looked up to me before saying "Let's just say I'm gonna need shots." he got up and extended his arm to help me up and I took it.

"Same, so let's go. I hope Sirius doesn't kill me." I said panicking and he chuckled.

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