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20 January 1977

When Angela and I were making our way to the library, we got interrupted by James and the other idiot. Well not Lupin, Lupin actually smart. 

"Hey Angie I was thinking we could go to the Ravenclaw party together. If you want." Peter asked Angela to the party.

"Yeah sure! We are going to the library do you guys want to come too?" Angela asked only looking at Peter.

"Yeah sure." James said and I saw Remus give him a side eye look.

"I think Sirius and I are gonna go back to our room." Remus said already dragging Sirius away.

"Hornyfucks." James said shaking his head.

"Ew." I said before turning back to the way of the library and walking away. And James ran after me while Angela and Peter were walking behind us but farther so they couldn't hear us.

"Don't act high and mighty Reggie." James said winking at me.

"Shut up James. This isn't about me." I said raising my head to look more sure of myself.

"Oh come one babe, don't make that face. You look too hot looking like that." James said but this time he whispered in my ear. "Don't make me drag you in that broom closet."

 "Please Jamie keep it in your pants for three hours at the most then we can go in my room. Got it?" I said looking at him.

"Fine, only because you look so cute when being demanding." James said with a low chuckle.

"Take a step away from me. Do you want everyone to know about us?" I asked rubbing my forehead in annoyance.

"Can I touch you whenever I want in that senecio?" James asked with a smug smirk.

"No because Sirius is going to cut your hands off and I will be dead." I said seriously.

"Oh come on Peter and Angela aren't even there anymore." James said looking back and then I did too and he was right.

"Fucking bastard child." I swore under my breath.

"Hey don't talk about Pete like that." James said getting defensive.

"I wasn't, I actually don't mind him. I was talking about you." I said looking at him with a small smile.

"Wait what'd I do?" James said and then we arrived at the library for it to have a closed for today sign on the door.

"Oh fucking great." I swore crossing my arms.

"We could go in your room. I'll go in my room and steal a book from Remus if your want I also need to go get my cloak so no snake see me." James said putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Alright, let's go." I said looking up at him and smiling. I looked around and there was no one so I gave him a peck on the lips.

When we got to the Slytherin common room everyone looked our way.

"Hey Regulus! he's not aloud here." Evan called out from the main couch and he was right beside Barty.

"Tell me when I care. Come on James." I said grabbing James hand and going up the stairs leading to the room. I got to mine and unlocked it.

I opened the door and turned to James signaling he walks in.

"Welcome to mi casa." I said closing the door.

"Wow, now I get why Slytherins hooked up with each other that young." James said looking around.

"Ok now I'll send a note to the girls to come here. And Andrew and Alex." I said taking pieces of paper for each person and writing to each the same thing.

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