~Why do you care~

892 18 50

23 December 1976

What the fuck did I just do.

I had sex with James fucking Potter.

Why'd I do that! My life is over if anyone finds out. Oh merlin no.

Why not anyone fucking else!

"Hey. You okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Why do you care?" I asked but having trouble it seemed my breathing wasn't controlled. 

I need to get out.

"Ok you can be rude to me later right now focus on your breathing and let me help you." James said already over me.

See this is what you get for letting someone close, you get hurt and hurt someone else.

"I gotta go, talk to Barty figure shit out." I said getting up and putting my clothe back on my body.

"What? No you aren't! You're staying here and ignoring that little shit." He said loudly not helping with my breathing AT ALL. He noticed and automaticly apologized.

"James he's all I have, I'm nothing without him." I said pacing around his room.

"Bullshit! You are a wonderful person Reg, just don't let toxic people fill your mind with nonsense." He said getting up and eying his waist then his eyes making sure he could touch me. 

I gave him a little nod and he put his hands on my waist. 

"Do you regret last night. Be honest and forget about Barty or anyone else you are thinking about." He said

I thought about for a second, "No, I don't regret it. Sadly." I said sinking into his chest. 

"Hey JamsieBoy! Breakfast time! Hey why is this door looked!? Ohhhh you got a special girl on ok I will leave you to it. Don't forget protection!" Sirius screamed through the locked door.

We both looked at each other.

"We forgot protection." James said with widen eyes looking at me.

"I'm clean, Barty always uses protection." I said sitting on James' bed.

"I'm clean too. Normally I use protection." He said lighting the mood.

"Oh god. I don't think I'll be able to confront Barty." I said putting my head in my hands.

"You don't have to, just go to one of your friends room and stay with them until you see him and then make sure they stay with you." He said sitting and putting his arm around my waist.

"Ok, um one question how will I leave without anyone seeing. If Sirius is awake everyone is." I said resting my head on his shoulder.

"I have an invisibility cloak, you can put it on and then we go to the bathroom. You give it back and then leave. I would leave a couple of minutes later." He said, which honestly was a great idea. But my mind was focused on one thing.

"You have an invisibility cloak?" I asked looking up from his shoulder and locking eyes with him.

"It's been in my family for generation, and now my dad gave it to me." He said not looking away from my eyes.

"Cool. Ok let's do that." I said.

"Ok so just go under there." James said kissing my forehead before putting the cloak over me.

The plan worked perfectly and the next thing I knew I was in my room.

I owl Sirius the moment I got to my room

I know we aren't on speaking terms but I need your help and only you can help.

So I had sex with a boy last night and he forgot protection. Can you come to my room with a plan B? 

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