~Thanks my love.~

453 8 1

21 January 1977

"He doesn't hate you Regulus, you two will be back to talking in no time. Just you see." Alex said while I was crying onto Andrew's shoulder who was hugging me back without saying anything.

Sirius had left a while ago and I held all my sadness when he was here so he wouldn't see me cry even more and worry for me.

"No he hates me, I yelled at him for something I knew could happen. If anything we were both at fault. But I yelled at him and pushed him away and now he hates me!" I said and started to cry even more.

"Do you want me to go get him?" Angie asked.

"Oh my god no! I look horrible! He'll hate me even more and then find someone better which won't be hard if I look like this." I said hysterical.

"Well um bad thing we already called him over. He right here. We're gonna leave you two seem to have some things to talk about." Ava said and they all walked out of my room. Well except James.

"You think I'm gonna leave you?" James asked sitting on my bed and I nodded. "Reggie I won't leave you. You are stuck with me either you want it or not. No matter how many time you lash out at me."

"I won't lash out at you. Unless you do something stupid but I'll feel bad I promise." I said and he laughed. "Can we skip today? The pill is making me emotional and I just want to be with you."

"Sure. I'll let Moony and Minnie know we aren't going to class." James said, he was about to get up but I stopped him.

"Nah let them wonder. Mystery is good for a human." I said pulling him down next to me and cuddling into him.

"Fine only because you're so cute when you sleep." James said and hugged into me tighter.

"Yay. Together we'll get lots of privilege. I get pretty privilege and you get hot privilege." I said and he blushed.

"Thanks my love." James said and then James and I went to sleep.

After a couple of hours I woke up and James was looking at me and running his hands through my hair.

"Hi, it's diner time I can go get food. Just stay here I'll be back." James said and he got up immediately.

"Oh we can go to diner. It's fine and I want to see my friends. Let's meet up at our spot then we'll go to your room. I'm tired of mine. So leave now and I'll leave in five minute. I need to freshen up anyway." I said and then he was on his way to the great hall.

I washed up fast and then went down stairs to the great hall. I sat with my friends who automatically started to question me earning us some annoyed looks, some weird looks and the worst one gossip looks.

"So did you skip because you are heartbroken?" Ava asked a little bit too loud earning us the gossip looks.

"Let's just say he skipped too. But we just slept all day. I'm also thinking of going on the pill, we learn from past experience." I said quietly so only my friends could hear.

An elf came up to me and gave me and Alex a meal. A special meal. 

"This is a gift from the new sponsors for the Slytherin Quidditch team. Enjoy." Vilsy said and I gave her a bite of Ava's chicken and she thanked me before running back to the kitchen.

I look around and it is true all my teammates well just the boys have the same meal as me. I took a bite and then heard screaming. My teammates were suddenly in there underwear and pulled up by a spell I'm guessing.

Then I felt myself get cold and everyone around me that weren't my friends started to laugh. Alex was also in his underwear and at the same time we were pulled up from where we were sitting.

 Everyone could see me, my old scars from my parents, hickeys from James and me, my body they could see me. 

I looked up at James and I saw him looking pissed while Sirius laughed along with other Gryffindor. Some people were even whistling at us.

Ava got up and so did Angie. Ava tried to cover me up with her body by standing in front of me while Angie tried to cover Alex. Jade looked like she was ready to kill someone and so was Andrew.

Everyone was still laughing and the moment I could leave I ran out. Alex wasn't embarrassed and showed off his body so that took the attention off me running out.

I heard someone screaming out my name from behind me and I turned around knowing it was James.

"So this was your plan? I mean by the way Sirius laugh you must have been involved and if it wasn't your dumb marauders gang then it was Your Quidditch team that You lead so you would have been in charge of the plans. You planned to humiliate me? I thought we loved each other. No I knew it you hate me." I said switching emotion every sentence. Damn the pill really mixed with my emotion this time.

"Baby please I swear I knew nothing, they didn't want me involved. Now take this you must be freezing even if your are hot. At least now people know you aren't single and will stop hitting on you. Sirius also wasn't involved, neither Peter nor Remus. Sirius actually didn't see you until you ran out. He was laughing at Rosier's flowered boxers." James said and he put on his robe over me covering me completely.

"Everyone saw, my scars, they saw everything." I said looking at him with tears in my eyes.

"And you look like a greek god. They saw a piece of art. Gotta say I am jealous they saw my beautiful boy. I was supposed to be the only one with that great privilege. My special piece of art." James said and he did make me laugh a little.

"Could se go see Miss Pomfrey after I get new clothes? I want to get on the pill. I know bad timing but I want to do this as soon as possible. I never want to feel like this ever again." I said while we were walking to my room.

"Sure." James said smiling at me probably not knowing what to say but being okay with it.

We made it to my room, I got changed and then we went to madame Pomfrey. And now I was on the pill. We then went to James dorm like we talked about earlier. I stayed there until the next morning, let me tell you I went through so many emotions I thought some were new. We had a good time and at supper time James got my food and brought it with him this time, since I didn't want to be seen at the moment.

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