~I never stopped loving you.~

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2 September 1977

After a day of mopping around and planning the perfect way to kill Lily Evan and get away with it. I decided to get with Barty again. I knew it would be easy but I still made up a plan.

I walked up to him in the common room and dragged him by his tie to his room.

"Regulus what the fuck? Why aren't you with your little Gryffindor? Finally got bored of him?" Barty asked once we were in his room.

"Shut up Barty, please. I wanna get back together. James cheated with the red headed whore and he hates you." I said and he smiled.

"Well of course we can get back together. Just get on your knees first." Barty said already pushing me down.

"Before we start anything, this is a open relationship, everyone has to know, no hitting each other or being abusive. I'm pregnant and you have to act like it's yours, I'm giving it away anyway but people do talk." I said really fast while he pulled his pants and boxers off.

"I'm perfectly perfect with that. Now suck bitch." Barty said and I smiled.

So I sucked him off as he pushed my head agains it trying to get me to gag. Instead I moaned to distract him and it worked. He came in my mouth and I swallowed.

I stood up.

"So you'll do this with me? Just so you know I still love James and I probably will for a long time but I wanna do this with you." I said and he hugged me.

"I'm not like last year. I know I treated you badly and that it was a toxic relationship. This time I want it to be different, I will treat you right and I don't want our relationship to be open. I won't cheat. I promise." Barty said and my heart melted. 

"I believe you Barty. I will love you again someday." I said and kissed him.

Maybe we were right after all.

"I never stopped loving you." Barty said.

"The break was what we needed. We needed to grow apart before growing together again." I said and he nodded putting his head in my hair.

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