~Don't call me that, hi.~

557 12 4

8 January 1977

I had been able to push the subject of James and everything else up until we were almost at Hogwarts.

"Alright so a lot has happened during this Christmas break. Especially to my friend Regulus. Regu say hi." Jade said filming this for memories like she always did.

"Don't call me that, hi." I said uninterested. "I am not going to talk about that. Especially not if I don't know who will see it."

"Oh come one Regulus! Stop being such a goody two shoes. No ones gonna see this." Ava groaned hitting me on the arm.

"Ugh fine." I said sinking into my seat.

"So Regulus Black what did you do to make everyone hate us?" Jade asked.

"Alright that is your fault you showed everyone the video at the party. I only was there and added fire to the situation." I said innocently.

"Right right. Adding fire by flirting with your brother's best friend." Alex said sarcastically.

"Shut up." I said getting a bit pissed.

"Oh no we've angered the dragon." Ava teased.

I got up and left going toward the bathroom that was obviously busy. I waited until they were done and James came out of the bathroom.

"Well hello there Reggie." James said with a silly smirk on his face.

"Hi." I said bitterly.

"Are you ok?" He asked stepping somehow closer then we already were.

"Can you not do that here? Here let's go in here." I said dragging him in the closest empty  carriage.

When inside James put on a silencing spell.

We made eye contact and both smiled before kissing each other. His hands roamed all over my body and mine were in his hair.

I felt his hand go down my back further and further. I started to smirk when he touched my ass.

I pushed my hips agains him making him groan. I felt him going hard.

"Damn you missed me that much." I said chuckling and he grabbed me harder.

"Shut up." He said before I grabbed him and kissed him again.

We made out for a while. I could still feel his hard on. I was a bit hard but not that bad. 

"I can help with your little problem James." I said touching his tight.

"Are you sure?" He asked and I got on my knees and nodded. "Well yes then." 

I took his belt off and unzipped his pants. I pulled them down I bit so they wouldn't be in the way. I looked at him one last time making sure I could continue and James nodded.

I pulled his boxers off and his boner sprung and with all honesty I did laugh. I took him in my mouth, sucking him off while making eye contact with him. I did that until we were interrupted.

"James. I know you're in here. I can smell you." Remus said knocking on the door.

"Shit. Go away" James said loud enough so Lupin could hear him.


"Fine. One minute." He said putting his dick back in his pants. 

I hid while James straighten himself up, Then he opened the door with me on the side where you couldn't see me from the entrance.

"Hey Remus! What's up!" James said loud.

"You're dick apparently." He said walking in seeing me and not being surprised. "Really? You two couldn't wait to arrive at Hogwarts?" 

I blushed looking down and James said "Hey you shit! You and Sirius were like fu-" earning a groan from me.

"Don't continue that. For the love of merlin." I said with a disgusted face.

"Right sorry." James said before turning to Lupin and pushing him out of the cabin. "On your way now, I wanna finish what we were doing."

"Make sure to be fast. Sirius will be suspicious if you're not back fast." Remus said fast.


James closed the door and turned to me putting another silencing spell since I guess the first one didn't work so well. "So where were we?" He asked with smirk. A very hot one.

I took his pants off again. I felt him fumble over my pants. 

"We can think about me later. Right now it's you." I said getting back on my knees. 

I took him back in my mouth and about two minutes after I felt his hands on the back of my head.

I got excited at the thought of being used by James.

'Oh god how fuck up am I to feel like this. Eh fuck it who cares. He knows and don't care so why should I?' I thought.

He fucked my mouth over and over again, I looked up to him with teary eyes from gagging on his dick.

I LOVE IT! Fuck I'm messed up.

"Yeah you like that you good slut." He moaned out.

I moaned agains him making him shiver.

He kept fucking my mouth for about two minutes before cumming in it. I shallowed everything I sucked off everything off him.

I got up and he put his hand in my trousers. I gasped at the sudden contact before melting in his arms.

"Please oh fuck yes." I said as James jerked me off.

"Ride me like the slut you are handsome." He said in my ear.

I obeyed and sat him down. I stayed up and stripped. James looked at me like I was made of gold. Like I was everything good in the world. I sat on his lap the moment his boner reappeared. He stretched me out before he got in me. He sat there and I started to ride him like he told me.

"Oh fuck yea." I moaned going the fastest I could. James had put his hands on my waist and helped me by guiding me and lifting me sometimes. At one point he was the one that had the entire control and fucked me while I bounced on him.

So yeah we finished about fifteen minutes later. We put our clothes back on and gave each other a see you later kiss. He walked out first and then I left fifteen minutes after, legs slightly shaking.

When I entered back the cabin they all laughed and cheered when I sat down and my legs were slightly shaking.

"Damn he's that good?" Jade asked still filming.

"Yeah. Oh my god, he's perfect." I said breathing out.

"What'd you two do? Like just fucked or more." Ava asked with a shit eating grin.

"I gave him a bj and he told me to ride him. We can had riding dick while on train to the list now." I said high giving Alex.

"Better than from behind in the toilets." Andrew said giving a glare at Alex.

"We got interrupted tho." I said.

"By who? Not your brother right?! No he'd be dead if your brother found you two fucking." Angie said with antacipantient.

"Lupin knocked on the door while I was sucking him off." I said and they all laughed at me.

We all laughed a bit before going back to talking. We changed into our school uniform and then we were there. We were at Hogwarts again.

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