
660 13 34

23 December 1976

"Truth." Regulus said. Some people boo'd

"Alright, when, where and with who did you loose your v-card? If you have." Marlene said taunting him at the end earning laughs from a lot of people.

"Um Fourth year, my room and with Ava." He said as if it was the most normal thing that had ever happen in his life.

"Fourth year? You were fourteen! In fourth year we were trying to sneak pudding cups in our room without getting detention!" Sirius said dramatically.

"It's pretty normal. I mean I know some people who did it in third year." Alexander said thinking about it.

"Jesus what happen in the Slytherin rooms that make them do it that young!?" Sirius again said dramatically. 

"Ok who here as lost there virginity fourth year or younger?" Sirius asked.

Jade, Alexander, Andrew Evan, Ava, Angela, Barty, Lucius(who is 19 now), Narcissa(Who is 18 now), Snape, Bellatrix(Who is 19 now), Regulus, some gryffendor, barely any Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff and a lot more Slytherin.

"Snivillius? You lost it before me! Nooooo! nah ah! No way! To who? Who in their right mind would fuck you?" Sirius yelled looking like he had lost it. "Alright everyone say to who and what year!"

"What no!" Angela protested.

"Yes! Alright just the people playing truth or dare! Now Snivillius when? And who?" Sirius said glaring at Snape.

"I'm not telling you or any of you that." He said glaring back at Sirius.

"Come on Snivy who? Who? Who? Who?" Sirius said.

"It was me, we lost it to each other. Now shut up." Jade said sinking into her seat with red cheeks.

"Wow really don't like Slytherin girls huh Snivy?" Sirius taunted him.

"alright moving on. Angie truth or dare?" Regulus said turning my attention to her.

"Dare." She said turning her attention to him dramatically, making him chuckle very very cutely.

"I dare you to down your drink." He said with a soft smile.

She down it and then turned to me and said. "Potter truth or dare." 

"Dare." I said.

"I dare you and Reggie to go in that room for seven minutes. Clothing optional." She said with a smirk.

Regulus and I looked at each other before getting up and walking toward the room.

Once the door was closed and locked we sat on the bed in silence.

"I gotta tell you something." He said nervously and fidgeting a lot. "Please don't hate me after I tell you. Promise me you won't hate me."

"I promise." I said.

"I'm transgender. I was born a girl and transitioned when I was young." He whispered in my ear. 

"Oh well that ok with me. I would have never expected it, you pass so well." I said showing him I'm okay with it.

"You're ok with it?" He asked and had tears in his eyes.

"Yeah of course! I'd be a horrible person not too, especially when you are so handsome." I said going closer to his ear.

"Thank you." He said hugging me, I hugged back and at first he was tense but then relaxed but I could tell he was still crying.

"Wait! We weren't protected yesterday." I said realizing.

"Sirius gave me a plan b pill, thats why he was over this morning. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier it's very irresponsible of me." He said looking down crying.

"Hey you have every right not to tell me, god knows I could have gone mental and hurt your beautiful body. We wouldn't want that to happen would we?" I flirted with him wanting to soften the air in the room. I'm pretty sure it worked because he chuckled again very very cutely. "How bout you show me your perfect body now that were talking about it."

"Let's start slow. I never went slow with anyone. It's alway oh hello to oh fuck in two second." He said gettin closer to me.

"Before I gotta ask what are we?" I asked and he backed up.

"Whatever you want to be, I gotta say I'd love to be more than friends. Maybe even more than what we did last night." He said and his eyes were looking right into mine. His beautiful beautiful eyes.

"I'm down for anything." I said kissing him, he kissed me back. And it started to get heated. But more passionate than lustful. I started to suck on his neck and he moaned breathely.

"We can't not right." He said breathing heavily.

"Ok next time." I said after lifting my head from his neck.

I guess the seven minute was done because someone started knocking on the door a lot.

"James! Get out now! Don't you dare touch my little brother!" Sirius screamed still banging on the door. Regulus seemed pissed at what he said because he walked to the door.

"Asshole." He said before bumping into Sirius' shoulder.

Sirius closed the door and walked up to me, "What did you two do?" he asked.

"Nothing, Jesus. We talked for about minute and then sat in awkward silence. I don't like him like that and he doesn't like me at all." I said getting up and acting normal.

"Fine, I'm deciding to trust you." He said before opening the door.

We walked out and went back to our spots as if nothing had happen.

I looked around and saw Barty, Snape, Bellatrix, Lucius and Narcissa gone.

"Where'd the emo kids went?" I asked some people laugh some other glared at me.

"They left after I showed everyone a video of Regulus crying because Barty's dick is small and how he felt bad. It's fucking hilarious." Ava said.

"I thought I told you to delete that. Also why'd you show it? What did he do now?" Regulus asked leaning in his seat.

"He um he insulted you. Said you were a easy fuck, then she showed the video and said 'I'll have you know the guy he was with last night is bigger than you.' then he got pissed and left with the angsties. Now I get to brag publicly about being bigger than Barty. So it's a win win if you ask me" Alexander rambled on and on. Wait he said I was bigger than Barty? THATS A FUCKING WIN!

"Alright Alex we get it now shut it." Regulus said with a red face. "Potter go it's your turn."

"Oh alright, Sirius truth or dare." I asked looking at Sirius with a evil smirk.

"Dare." He said with a competitive look in his eyes.

"I dare you to let Moony boss you around for the rest of the week without complaining." I said getting a snicker from Regulus who earned a glare from Sirius.

"He already does." Remus said taking a sip of his wine. 

"Yeah but he won't complain anymore." I said and Remus just nodded in agreement. 

"True. True. Sirius refill my glass." Remus ordered and Sirius did it. Remus kissed him in return.

"I'm tired, Sirius drive us home." Remus said chugging his wine glass.

"Ok, um can you stay back for about an hour? Thanks." Sirius whispered in my ear before walking out with Remus.

"Well that was gross." Regulus said putting down his drink in disgust.

"You should hear them on a Friday night in our room. Anyway wanna go dance again?" I asked holding out my hand.

"Sure." He said taking my hand and I led us to the dance floor.

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