Nose bleeds?

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*Jades pov*

I am currently at the hospital trying to answer the questions they ask me. I have stopped vomiting blood.

"Have you had any problems with blood before?" The doctor asked
"Well yeah I have nose bleeds often and they are really big, but there's not much a can do about that" I replied
"Have you been feeling sick or has your stomach been acting up recently?"
"Except for today? No"
"Okay I think I may know what it is but I will ask a few more questions. What did the blood look like?"
"It is in blobs it wasn't like full on blood."
"Okay I your going to think I'm crazy but you may have swallowed blood from your nose bleed and vomited it back up" he said

(A/N this can actually happen I've researched it hahaah)

"Oh okay"
"I will give you some medication so that all the blood will be cleared okay?"
"See you in two weeks"
"Bye" I said.

"How did it go?" A worried Ashton said coming over and hugging me.
"He said I've probably just swallowed blood from all them nose bleeds haahaha" I said causing everyone to laugh
"That's it?" Calum said
"Yes lollll"
"Well we best get going" Ash said

*Lyras pov*

"Luke don't be glum"
"Why my girlfriend cheated on me"
"And you didn't believe me but that doesn't mean I'm sulking" I said
"Shut up" he snapped
"Oh fiestyyyyy" I giggled

"I know let's make some PIZZAAAAAA!!!!" I shouted
"No Lyra" he giggled
"Your laughing so that means yessss come on" I said dragging his hand and pulling him through to the kitchen. This just reminded me of when I kissed Mikey in here. Oh god.

"I'm a master at making pizza"
"Oh really" I said
"Okay let's have a competition to see who can make the best"
"Okay it's on like donkey kong" I replied.

"Watch this" Luke said flipping the pizza dough.
"Watch this" I said flipping it behind me and infront of me.
"What this!" He said squirting the tomato purée on my face. Oh okay.
"OMG I'm so sorry Lyra! I was trying to be romantic we were meant to kiss after I did that" he said. I couldn't help but smirk a little because I was joking- he didn't really hurt me I just thought it might be good banter.
"Whatever Luke never talk to me again"
"At least let me help"
"Tough I'm helping you anyway"
"You won't be able to your stupid"
"Okay you watch me fix your eye up" he said and picked a wet paper towel up wiping the sauce off of my face.

He went to my eye and said "you haven't even got anything in it?"
"That wasn't funny Lyra I thought I lost you!"
"Well you've lost me many times before and didn't care"
"Oh really? Why did you think I looked after your child? For you. Why did I spend over $2000? To find you. You know people care more than you think Lyra. Your one in a million."

I pulled him down onto the countertop and I wrapped my legs around his torso as he was ontop of me. I left a trail of kisses down his neck. "I hate you so much" I said.
"I love you too"

We kissed and he slid his tongue in and we started making out and I pulled his top over his head. He started to pull up mine.

"WERE BACCKKK!" Ash said
"Shit shit shit shit" Luke said. I pulled my top down and he put his back on just in time for when Ash barged through the door.
"What's been happening here then? abit of smushy smoochy?"
"Uh n-no definately not" Luke said. Nice one.
"Okay" Ash winked and walked out.
"So how did it go Jade?" I said walking out of the room to speak to her in private.
"It went fine" she said
"Lyra did you do something with Luke?"
"Yes but shhh I'm so happy!" I said jumping up and down with her
"Congratulations! I know you have always liked him!"
"I know right!"
"He best not break your heart though and you best not break his you are goals haha" she said

"I would never break your heart" Luke said coming behind me and kissing my cheek , causing me to jump.
"Don't scare me like that Luke" I said hitting him in the chest
"Toughen up cupcake, the world harsh" I said.

"Toughen up cupcake the worlds harsh" he mimicked in a girly voice
"I heard that!" I said


Well this is banterific... NEW WORD CREATED YEAAYY!! My hands smell like metal bc I have been helping my dad with his car

Is this chapter good or not cbi can just delete it?

If it's good vote or comment and if it's bad leave a bad comment it promise I won't block you or anything hahaha

Byeeee my little beauty's

Molly 💪

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