Luke no!

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*Lyras pov*

"Luke no!" I kept on repeating and repeating even though he left the house about ten minutes ago. Calum told me not o go after him because he usually comes back around after a few hours. Calum also told us not to ring him because he wont answer.
"Has this happened before?" I ask Calum
"Yeah when hes stressed he runs away."
"Ohh ok"
It was now very dark and im very worried about Luke. If he doesnt come home tonight he will definately come home tommorrow.
Lukes mum stepped through the front door "Im home Luke"
Ashton ran up the stairs and we all decided to stay in the basement. We listened in
"Ashton what are you doing here? Wheres Luke? Is he okay?" Lukes mum asked
"Yes Liz hes fine he did a runner again but im sure he will come back." so Lukes mum is called Liz then.
"Ohh okay he must be stressed then. Is there anyone else here?" liz asked
"Yes Calum, Michael, Lyra, Jade, Georgia and Katie." Ashton said
"Actually i am just about to get going" i said.
"You can stay the night if you want." Liz asked but i said no because i only live next door and i need to see my family.
The other girls are going home too so its just the boys staying at home.

I got home and my mum was asleep and my brothers where playing on the xbox. I just went up to my room and wrote a song which i always do. Why am i so messed up about this? Its only Luke! Im not bothered to ask Paul were he is or anything. Im just bothered about Luke.

Luke....Luke.... Luke.... What if he dies out there? Hes only young! Its a harsh world! Im starting to feel ill. Ohh yaay. I have this problem where whenever im really nervous or scared i throw up. But its never happened about someone before its only happened when i am nervous to go to school or something!

I ran to the toilet to threw up. Yaay for pregnancy and nerves. After several times of vomiting i went into bed and tried to get to sleep. I did in the end but i had a really bad nightmare that he never comes back and im left with my abusive boyfriend. I should not have even thought about that. He told me i couldnt tell anyone and if i think it more than once he will use me as a slave.
I woke up from the nightmare and i was sweating so i turned my bed side table light on and went towards the mirror. I jumped back at my own refelction. I looked terrible; i had big black rings under my eyes that cant droop any lower, i have milk bottle white skin and my lips are almost purple. I need to go to someone. I aas also sweaty.. great.

Not my parents because they dont know im pregnant or whats been happening so i would end up letting something slip. Im not even allowed a boyfriend. I rang Georgia but she didnt pick up and niether did Jade but Katie did so i asked her if she can come over and she said she would but she lives 20 minutes away in a taxi and it would cost a fortune.

She told me to get the boys numbers and go round there. She gave me all of them and i decided to ring Calum seen as im the closest to him.
"Hello?" A deep raspy voice said on the other end of the phone.
"Hi its Lyra"
"Lyra is something wrong?"
"Yes there is so can i come over? You are still at Lukes right?"
"Yeah and yeah see you in a minute, text me when your outside of the door"
"Okay bye"
"Bye" Calum said and i hung up.

'Im here' i texted him.

He opened the door and he just stood there for a moment looking shocked.
"Omg Lyra whats happened" Calum said. I wanted to cry.
"I dont know! Its worse than all the other times!"
"Why?" Calum asked
"I cant say" i said. We walked to the basement and sat on a sofa.
"Lyra i cant help you if you dont tell me. Tell me the whole story." Calum told me
"IvebeenhaveingnightmaresthatPaulstartedtoabusemeevenmoreandigotputinhospital" i say not taking a breath
"What? Slow it down a bit."
I breathed in a shaky breath "ive been having nightmares that erm Paul abuses me even more than he does now and puts me in hospital and i kill the baby."
"Hes been abusing you? HE GOT YOU PREGNANT!?!" Calum shouted
"Shhhh... Calum calm down... You'll wake the whole neighbourhood"
"Okay so when did this abuse start?"
"I will tell you after i tell you about my stomach. I have this problem where whenever im nervous i throw up. But it usually happens when im nervous or worriedabout school or a test not a boy"
"What boy?"
"I cant say... hes gone anyway"
"Yes.... And im nervous and worried incase he gets killed so i have been throwing up for hours. Im sorry for piling all this on you" i burst out crying.
"Ssshhhhh.... Its okay..." He said whilst rubbing my back and i didnt feel anything. Hes not Luke... HES NOT LUKE!!
"Im gonna go to the bathroom" i ran away and started throwing up again in the toilet. I thought there was nothing left but no there is still stuff coming out. A few hours later and i have told him that he has been sexually abusing me amd throwing plates at me. I still have the scars.
*Lukes pov*

This is further than i have ever gone before. Why hasnt anyone rung me? They probably thought i would come around and come back home. Either that or they dont care. Thats the reason! I find a hotel and decide to stay in there for a few nights until i can get a job and afford a house.

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