We are finally here!

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( I actually went to the place above its in Snowdonia, Wales. This picture was takin by me. My photography skills though.....)

*lyras pov*

It's only 12 o'clock and we are here. It probably wasn't the best day to go but oh well. There is nothing but rolling hills with a river flowing down the middle. We took the easy route up and took our camping rucksacks and tent. Everyone kept offering to carry mine but I said I'm fine and just because I have a baby doesn't mean I am not capable of doing things.

We got quite far up and I just sat down on stock and watched the view. Sometimes you just need to be alone for a little bit. This place really got you closer to nature.

I was walking and everyone else raced eachother up. Luke stayed with me (what a gentleman) we talked about deep stuff. It started by us talking about 9\11 and then it leaded on to me saying "you can go and catch them up I'm just boring I don't know why you would want to spend time with me"
"Why wouldn't i?"
"Because I'm boring" I said
"No your not you are really funny and you are entertaining to be around"
"Ohh well thanks."
He started to talk about how he would like to live in New Zealand because The Lord Of The Rings was filmed there and so was The Hobbit. He said he would like to live in the countryside but also in the city because he wants to have a good job there.

He ended up slipping on a rock and it was the funniest thing ever because he was showing off jumping on each one! He then walked into a massive puddle of mud and wrecked his vans (which I told him weren't sensible to wear but he didn't listen)

( a

I actually had this conversation with a boy and I'm not going to name his name.... he is just a friend though and I wouldn't want him to be anymore)

We got to the top and there sat 6 people chilling and talking.
"Finally!" Calum said
"Took your time!" Georgia said
"I'm sorry you try carrying a baby that feels like the same weight as you"
"Sooorrrry narky" Georgia replied.

We headed down to go to the nearby campsite.

(This is a short one and a filler but I'm tired okay and I want pizza)

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