You guys kissed?

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*Lyra's pov*
Paul took me to school this morning, he is really nice so i dont know why people hate him. Yes he is the year above me but why do i care?

We got to school and we kissed goodbye and i walked off and bumped into someone.
"Sorry" We both said at the same time and i knew those deep blue eyes anywere.
"Oh wait did i say sorry i was meant to say mind out the way bitch" Luke said.
I started to tear up. I thought he wanted to be my friend?
On my way to the toilet i saw Georgia start to ask me questions and follow me.
"Leave me alone" i yelled harshly but she didnt go and instead she replied with
"And if i left you alone, what type of a friend would i be?" By now i was in a toilet cubicle with Georgia wiping away my tears. The next minute Katie and Jade were there trying to comfort me. How is it they always know were i am?
"Georgia did you ring them to come? Seriously its no big deal i dont need a big palava around me!" The bell went. "You guys need to get going now... Infact i will come with you because im over what happened"
"What did happen?" Jade asked curiously. We started walking to maths.
"I will tell you tonight when your all getting ready for the party at my house. By the way were is this party?"
"Okay" Katie said
"At Lukes" Georgia said
"Im not going" i said
"Why?" they all spoke at the same time.
"Its at Lukes" i spoke
"And whats wrong with Luke? I thought you were friends? Plus you have a dress and everything"said katie.
"Nothings wrong with Luke so i guess im still going" i spoke as we opened the door for maths.

Luckily sir wasnt there yet so we all just took our seats quietly. Luke was sat on Calum and Ashtons desk and was talking to them amd when i went to sit down he gave me evils. Seriously whats wrong with him? I thought to myself as sir walked in and said "Mr Hemmings please take your seat"
"If that dirtbag moves i will sit down"
"You shouldnt act that way towards your friend"
"My friend? Since when?" sir left it at that and Georgia Jade and Katie sat there with there eyes wide open looking shocked. I just chose not to get hung up on it.

Anyway we got our tests back and I got 36% and I looked over to Luke and he got 100%? WHAT? HE JUST MESSES AROUND IN LESSON AND DOESNT CARE! The highest anyone else got was 96% and that was Jade because shes so clever. She wasnt very happy that Luke beat her.Wow he is perfect im suprised he doesnt have a girlfriend. No Lyra you have Paul he is handsome and sporty and... ermm... he is perfect for me.. yeah he is and we may argue alot but he is amazing. There is just something missing but im sure it will come... sometime..

The bell for the end of the lesson went and as i was walking out of the door sir asked if he could have a word with me.
"Before you ask i know the test result was bad" i said
"No its not all about that... You and Luke seem to be getting on VERY badly and i want to help the both of you." He spoke. Oh god hes gonna make me spend extra time with him!
"I know this will help you to build a better friendship and a better test score, so im going to ask him if he wants to tutor you"
"No sir, please no!"
"It will be better for both of you" he said in a calming tone
"No it wont!" My voice now shouting.
"He will tutor you whether you like it or not"
"Anyway sir, i got to go to next lesson." and i left it there.


Lessons dragged today and there is no update on Luke being my tutor. I met with the girls and we all got the bus to my house. Luckily, Luke gets a ride with Calum home so there will be none of his mean words on the bus home.

We started to walk the short distance from the bus stop to my house when we saw the boys struggling to carry big dums and amplifiers. Of course, Jade being the nice person she is she offered to help them and then she asked us but i said no and everyone else said yes. I told them i would come and help after my shower if they are still doing it.


(Yaaass the first of Jades pov)
*Jades pov*

I offered to help the boys because Im a nice person and i have a little something for Ashton. I was helping him and Georgia was helping Calum and Katie was helping Michael. I couldn't help but see how sad Luke looked so i offered him help but he snapped "no" sternly. Im seriously worrying about whats happened to him I am blind to everything (literally) so i cant see whats making him angry and fiesty.

I was helping Ashton with a drum and Ashton threw one of the drumsticks at me and told me to catch it. Being the clumsy and un aware person, the drumstick hit my glasses off my head and hit me on the head harshly. My glasses lense were shattered and i started to tear up. I was actually braver than i usually am. No one saw what happened except Ashton so he brought me inside.

He sat me down on the edge of the bathroom counter and started to wipe the tears and runny mascara off my face. Everytime he did a dab on my forehead he got closer until i could feel his warm breath right next to my face. I never have crushes for anyone but this is an exception. Ashton just seems perfect for me because opposites attract!

He edged closer until are lips were millimetres apart. I got the shivers all over my body as he did this and he rubbed his hand up and down my arm. He kissed me passionantly and i felt 1000 emotions in just half a minute.

"Am i interrupting something?" Luke said
"Just because you cant get the girl you want doesnt mean i cant get the girl i want." Ashton said with gritted teeth Luke ran out of the bathroom and up into his bedroom
"That was a bit harsh dont you think?" I said
"He deserves it after he treated her"
Ashton said.
"I cant say i have told enough" he ran out the door.

*Georgias pov*

We were having a great time until Jade told us that we have to go. I think it was something to do with Luke? I dont know.

We got back into the house and Jade led us into a room with two boys playing halp and she asked "wheres Lyras bedroom?"
"Downstairs" they both said together, and may i add they were kind of fit. Lyra was still in the shower. She is a really good singer and that probabaly isnt even her trying.

Jade sat us down on her soft bed.
"I think ive figured out why Luke is bieng so mean to Lyra"
"Tell tell tell" Katie said
"Its something to do with him not being able to have the girl he wants, so maybe the girl he wants is Lyra but seen as Lyra has a boyfriend he cant have her"
"True but how do you know he doesnt want the girl he wants?" I added
"Well he came in on me and Ashton kissing...."
"YOU KISSED" Katie said
"Was it nice?" I asked
"Yes it was now back to Lyra, Ashton said to him just because you cant have the girl you want doesnt mean i cant have the girl i want"
"Omg he totally likes her!" Katie said
"Why is he being so mean then?"
"I think he thought that she liked him and he had her in the bag but when she started going out with Paul she wanted to make her feel how she made him feel when she didnt want him" Jade suggested
"Thats so true" i said
Lyra came out of the shower
"What are we all talking about?"

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