He took her from me

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*lukes pov*

As soon as Lyra was taken I knew I had to find her. I don't know why- it's not like I really like her or love her- I just like her as a friend. Right? I shivered at the thought of love.


I remember the night clearly, Paul beat me up, I ended up bieng knocked out for a bit and Lyra was taken. Calum and Georgia came through the door giggling
"Luke what happened?"
"Lyra....Paul.. Paul took Lyra!!" I said between sobs and started to burst out crying. I could hardly breathe I was crying so much.
"He took her from me"

"Breathe Luke breathe... Calm down and tell me the story when your ready"
"I can't calm down for fucks sake Calum! She's gone! She's been kidnapped and could be gone forever! Plus I have no idea where she is!" I said knocking things off ledges.

Until I saw one picture. On the floor smashed. One of Lyra laughing and hugging Georgia, the rest of the guys in the picture except me. They were both having a great time. I didn't remember that. It must have been when I ran away. That picture calmed me down- a little.

"What if she never comes back Calum! What if I can't find her!"
"The what if's and the should haves are eating your brain, Luke".

*end of flashback*

It has been 2 months since Lyra left and I have been diagnosed with depression. I have stayed in the same room for a long time except when I have to go and get treatment for depression every week.

I have stayed away from every person and haven't seen my family since I got told I have depression because I was embarrased so I moved in with Calum. I miss Lyra like hell. Luke toughen up you need to stop bieng all teary eyed.

At least I haven't been binge drinking or anything. I have been cutting a lot because Lyra just....Arggghh.... I just want to find her and snog her face off. Did I just say that? No. Luke you don't like Lyra. Okay, maybe a little.... Maybe alot.... I love Lyra. Then it clicked.

All this time I have been in love with her. From the day we met. She doesn't love me back though. She never will. Occasionally the boys have tried to talk to me but I just ignored them and stared out the window.

I have tried to find Lyra everyday and tried ringing her but nothing happens. I want her in my arms. I want her to be with me right now. I have given up on everything. It will get better I keep telling myself yet nothing happens.

I have tried to find out where Lyra will be but nothing happens. We knew we couldn't tell the police because Paul will end up killing us or Lyra. To be honest I don't care if he kills me. The police won't be able to find them anyway.

Whenever I see Noah, his face reminds me of Lyra and I start to cry. Everyone says he looks like Paul but I think he looks like Lyra. Lyra.Lyra. Lyra.

I keep on having nightmares that she is dead or is bieng abused. I always yell Lyra in my dreams and wake up sweating because of fear.

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