01: The Rich Man

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A shiver ran down my spine as the gentle breeze cut through my thin shirt

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A shiver ran down my spine as the gentle breeze cut through my thin shirt. The leaves were browning, the skies were greying and mittens and scarves were back in season. I blow into my hands, the warm air from my breath reflecting back onto my face.

Snuggling deeper into the tattered blanket I found a few years ago, I examine the holes and rips in the worn down fabric. I imagined that a small family, maybe of 3 or 4, recycled it. The mother had found it a few years prior on sale and thought it would be great for their newly born child. Over the years they watched many movies and shows. They would cuddle underneath it when the nights were too cold. Maybe on Christmas Eve, the child would hide under the blanket, pretending to be asleep while secretly hoping to catch Santa Clause coming to deliver presents.

A soft smile grew on my chapped lips. Eventually, they would have to get rid of it, because the child is too old and it doesn't match any of the furniture. Yes, that's exactly how I imagine this blanket was used. Lovingly.

I sneeze quietly, coughing a few times after. I wrap the blanket tighter around myself. A bitter chuckle escapes me. In a way, I wanted to apologize to the family that held such precious memories with this blanket. I wanted to apologize for dirtying it and tarnishing any goodness it had.

My pale hand shakes as I reach towards the silver flask I was given a few months ago. The water was still warm from when I filled it early this morning. Taking a few sips, I stop myself from getting to greedy. My throat seems to cry out for more but I hold myself back.

I lean my head back against the orange colored brick behind me. The lively streets of New York City were only beginning to become energized. My tired eyes land on a young woman clumsily juggling with too many items in her hand. She frequently stopped to lend me things. The woman was tall and dark skinned. Her honey blonde hair reached to her waist but was currently held in a bun. She had told me a while ago that she damaged her natural hair too much to wear it naturally without feeling embarassed.

I just told her that she didn't need hair to make her beautiful, her kind soul already made her stunning.

"Hello dear," The elder blonde girl smiles warmly. I smile back at her in return. "How are you this morning?"

"I'm fine ma'am," I reply, my voice hoarse as it's the first time I've spoken today. I glance to the many items in her hands. "Are you okay? You seem to be having trouble."

The bright lady laughs and I almost find myself joining her. "I'm just fine," She replies, setting down a few of them. I take notice of the bag she's digging through. "I have a faculty meeting today at the school I work at. Pennylton High. The new Quarter begins today."

"I'm sure the students are excited," I say gently. While camping out in the alleyway, I would sometimes see students with the uniform she often described passing by. "They have an amazing teacher with them."

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