12: Gullible

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"Hey pretty girl, what are you doing over here by yourself?" He asked with a friendly smile

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"Hey pretty girl, what are you doing over here by yourself?" He asked with a friendly smile. I looked up at him with innocent, wide eyes. With a thin shirt and shorts, my six year old self could barely stay warm in that winter.

"Um.. hello.." I greeted him politely. I didn't want to say too much to him. Daddy told me that you're not supposed to talk to strangers.

The man smiled wider and a bad feeling blossomed in the pit of my stomach. I inched away from him cautiously. "You're so pretty," He told me.

My small body shook. "Th.. Thank you," I stammared fearfully. His hand rested on my knee and I flinched back. "Wh.. what is it?"

I wanted my brothers.

"Let me take care of you little girl," The man said, his looming figure towering over me. I backed away from him into the brick wall behind me. His hands rested on either side of my head. "We'll have a lot of fun together."

I couldn't focus. The dream replayed over and over again in my mind. Ever since I took Luca's advice and began writing these snippets in a journal, they had been becoming more vivid in my memory. This was the first time I remembered something that made sense.

Something stuck out to me. I had wanted my brothers and dad. I knew they existed. How significant of an event had this been for me to completely forget about them? Did I really want to remember it?

I sigh dramatically and fall back onto Allessandro's lap. He just got home from work. It felt like he had been living there for the past few days. I move my arms to where I was hugging his stomach tightly. "I missed you," I mumble to him.

"Yeah?" Allessandro replies, his fingers running through my hair. "How's training going?"

"It's good I guess, I can't feel half my body," I tell him, reaching behind his head and pulling sharply on one of his curls. I laugh loudly when he glares down at me playfully and pinches my ribs. Shrieking, I immediately push away from him and nearly fall onto the floor. Luckily he caught me before I could. "Woah.. Maybe not so good."

Allessandro chuckles above me and pulls me into his chest tightly. "Luca tells me you've been having nightmares.. any progress on those?"

I stiffen. The thought of telling my brothers about what occurs in the dreams did occupy my mind a few times, however I immediately shut it down. This event happened when I was away from them, a time where they were already desperate and hurting. Imagine how guilty and angry they would feel knowing about this new information.

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