06: Bonding

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⚠️ mention of ED's⚠️

"Aww," A familiar voice cooes

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"Aww," A familiar voice cooes. A shutter of a camera follows. "Look at them! Fransesco actually looks kinda cute."

"I knew he had a soft side. I bet he'd dress up as a pretty princess if she asked him to."

"No! No! I bet he'd let her do his makeup and paint his nails."

"Please, he'd even play house as the itty bitty baby."

"If you dunces don't shut the fuck up I'll tear off your dicks and hang them off the fucking gate," My pillow growls, its' arms tightening around my back protectively. My cheek slides over the soft fabric as I grab at one of the arms, trapping it with my own. The arm stiffens and I snuggle deeper into the pillow with a small smile on my face.

"Whoa, is that Fransesco?" A masculine voice yells. I tense under the warm blanket while my pillow curses under it's breath. "I can't believe it. He's actually being friendly? And to a little girl? Shit, I must be high."

I grip the pillow - who I now know is Fransesco - tighter, in hopes that he would make this unknown male go away. Fran lays a gentle hand on the back of my head and I find comfort in his scars. "Baylor, what the fuck? Go bug someone else. She's trying to sleep."

Baylor gasps and the thought of a friendship between him and Valentino doesn't seem to be unbelievable. "Is this.. her?" He asks, though it's obvious he knows the answer. "After 7 years of looking you guys actually..."

"Yeah, uh huh, now fuck off."

I turn my head the other way to try and rekindle some of my drowsiness. "I don't think you should be sayin' that kinda stuff around a kid Franny," Baylor teases. The room gets colder once the nickname slips past his lips. I let out a small sigh, knowing very well I wouldn't get anymore sleep.

"Hey," I mumble sleepily, turning my head to face the intruder. "Only I can call him that."

The tall, blond, tattooed man grins brightly at me. His blond hair sits on top of his head in a mess, some of it falling down into his forehead. His pretty brown eyes shine with mischief. He has a mixture of scars and tattoos along his arms, neck, and legs. This man clearly works out, like almost everyone in this house does, and he's not afraid to show it off. He's wearing a white tanktop with grey athletic shorts that reach his mid thigh.

"Hi little girl," Baylor lowers his voice to a softer tone. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Baylor but you can call me whatever you want."

Carefully watching his face, I sigh quietly and return his smile. My hair falls into my face and I make a mental note to brush it soon. "Hi Mr. Baylor, I'm Annaliese. It's nice to meet you."

A sharp poke in my ribs causes me to jump with a small squeal. I immediately narrow my eyes in suspicion at Franny who smirks. "Don't lie to him monella. Now do what you did to Dad yesterday and send him away."

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