04: Return

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"Little Sister

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"Little Sister.." I breathe out, shock filling every corner of my body. Marcello and Valentino seem to have lost their breath. Luca nodded silently, his eyes never leaving mine. He's my big brother. They're all my big brothers.

Suddenly, Vincenzo's words hit me like a truck.

"She was taken when she was 5 years old. My sons and I have been looking for her ever since."

Pure agony erupts in my chest as I realize the amount of pain they've gone through because of me. For years they have been searching for me, since they were young. All I've been doing is sitting on the side of the road like a useless piece of garbage while they were tirelessly searching for me.

And I didn't even remember them.

Sobs erupt past my solemn facade and tears pool from my eyes and down my cheeks. I was horrible, a horrible, horrible person. I didn't deserve to be called their sister. Not at all. Luca's eyes widen at my loud cries and he seems taken aback for a long moment.

"I'm sorry!" I wail, hiding my face in my hands while my lungs screamed for air. My nose became so stuffed that it hurt to even sniffle but I did it anyway. "I'm so so sorry!"

Luca stands from his position on the floor and squeezes in between me and the couch arm. "Shh, shh, tesoro, tesoro, what's wrong? Why are you sorry?" He softly rubs my back which just adds fuel to the fire.

Valentino and Marcello are quiet, watching their brother as he tries to console me. Our brother. Tears fall even faster as I hiccup, fighting to get air into my lungs. "B-because you.. you were l-looking for me a-and," I cough, choking on the snot running down the back of my throat. "I-I.. I can't even.. I can't even re-remember you and..I.. I don't deserve to.. to be called your s-sister.."

Strong arms wrap around me and pull me tightly into a chest. Luca's warmth washes over me and helps the tears come out easier. "Shh, tesoro, never say you don't deserve to be our sister," He whispers gently over my quieting sobs. My throat begins to ache from the extra stress and my face is flushed. A dull throbbing is buzzing in my head. "We have all looked for you, not even knowing you were alive. I'll admit, I wish we had found you in a better situation, but the most important thing is that you're here with us now. Our little sister."

His words are enough for me to break down all over again and I cry into his shirt. Luca simply rubs my arm and back, whispering sweet words into my ears as support to get me through my fit. I eventually calm down to ragged breathing. I keep my eyes closed to block out the pain radiating through my head.

My body is exhausted from the continuous crying and I slump against Luca's chest, allowing myself to fall asleep to his heartbeat. My brother's heartbeat.


"It's her? It's really her?"

"Yes padre, it is. DNA tests don't lie."

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