14: Thanksgiving

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Depression is a bitch.

It'll take over your whole life, piece by piece, until it's taken away every joyful part of everything you love. It makes it hard to get out of bed, to brush your teeth, to eat, to drink, to talk. Everything that should come natural doesn't anymore.

When my little sister was taken from me, I was only 8 years old. Our mother was never particularly nice but she was never mean either. There always seemed to be something more important than her kids. I'm not saying she was a bad parent. She always made sure our needs were met. Except, that's where the care stopped.

Maybe that's when I started becoming sad, so sad that it turned into being depressed. At first I brushed it off. It only lasted a few hours. As I got older, the depressed periods lasted longer. It went from days, to weeks, to months. When I turned 14, I had only left my room because Valentino forced me to.

"It's your birthday dude," He had said. "If you don't give a shit, I'll give a shit. Come on man, we have an ice cream cake and all this other junk. You'll love it."

He really tried to show me he cared and I was grateful. I just couldn't be there. I couldn't smile or laugh like they wanted me to. I didn't have the motivation behind it. When we lost Annaliese, I lost myself.

And then she came back. I imagined that moment so many times in my head. What would she look like? Would she still call us by those silly nicknames? Could she still see the beauty in the world after everything she had gone through?

Would she even remember us?

Remember me?

As I wander through the cold streets of New York, rage burned in my chest. My slow footsteps didn't raise any alarm to the men walking ahead of me. I tighten my black leather jacket around my torso as I glance back towards the man that's been trailing me since I left the grounds. He's one of Allessandro's men.

"That little bitch is so stupid," One of them laughed nasally. Number one. My jaw ticks. "She just followed Manning like a whore on the streets."

The man trailing me flinches as my cold eyes lock with his. I nod to him confidently, signaling his order. There is about to be a bit of a mess. Allessandro would probably try to give me hell for this but that would be a later problem. As soon as I saw her wounded body being brought in by Fransesco, I couldn't hold in the raw rage that processed faster than any emotion I've ever felt.

"Wish we could've seen her get that dumb fucking head blown off," Another one laughs back. Number two. My hand twitches to the gun I had secured in the waistband of my jeans.

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