17: bad days

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A long time ago, I was given a Christmas present.

The boy had given me his jacket with a flustered face. I can't remember specific details of his appearance. I had been too close to dying at the time. My lips were blue, my small fingers purple and numb.

Surviving that night was a miracle and I like to believe that meeting that boy had been the reason why. He had saved me - in more ways than one.


Surveying my school uniform in the mirror, I flatten my shirt collar one more time to keep it from sticking up. I try to ignore the slight puff immediately after and focus on the makeup drawer calling my name. I've been practicing since I'd gotten in trouble, took a few pictures of the.. interesting looks I made. However, it was not in vain. I can confidently say I can put on mascara and lip gloss without making too much of a mess!

I apply the mascara and smile at the thick, black eyelashes that came out afterwards. I squint to try and cease the burning in my eyes. Maybe I did it a little too close? Oh well.

I brush my teeth and hair, finishing right as Valentino bangs on the bedroom door. "We'll be late principessa so hurry the hell up!" I purse my lips in annoyance and send the door a glare. What does he know about getting ready in the morning, at a new school? My first school?

Goodness, Valentino. Have some sense.

I apply some lip gloss and spontaneously decide to put a tube of it in my bag. Throwing it over my shoulders, I also grab the official school jacket and hold it in my arms. Nostalgia washes over me for as long as I let it.

I descend down the stairs loudly, letting my brothers know of my entrance. Valentino rolls his eyes dramatically while biting agressively into a piece of toast once I walk into the dining room. "Took you long enough principessa," He grumbles with his mouth full.

I wrinkle my nose with a small 'ew' at the wet bread crumbles that fall onto the plate. "It's my first school Val," I respond with a scolding tone. "I don't even have to go to school to know you're supposed to chew with your mouth closed."

Valentino smiles sarcastically before purposely showing me all of his chewed up food. I cringe away from him, knocking into Luca's arm. "Cut it out," He says, glaring tiredly towards Valentino. He gulps down his cup of coffee only to refil it quickly afterwards.

I sit down in front of my breakfast cautiously. Is everyone in a bad mood this morning? I pour some syrup on my scrambled eggs and french toast, diving into my meal. Fransesco spares me a judgy look while chugging down his protein drink.

"Don't worry about them, they hate having to be a good role model at 7am," Marcello explains from across the table with a small grin. I giggle lightly at his statement while Fransesco elbows him in the shoulder.

"Shut it Marcie," He grumbles, hesitantly glancing at me from the corner of his eye to see my reaction. I instinctively open my mouth to argue with his use of my nickname but the words come dry. Instead I opt for taking a sip of chocolate milk while counting the scratches in the wooden table.

"Fuck this," Fransesco growls under his breath, his chair slamming back against the hardwood floor. I flinch at the loud, abrupt sound. Luca instinctively puts a hand on my knee to reasure me everything's okay.  My eyes follow his footsteps as he stomps out of the room angrily.

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