21: pool day

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Something's suspicious.

When I woke up this morning, none of my other brothers were awake. Well, Allessandro is always at work, so he doesn't count in this equation. Valentino and Marcello are still sleeping even though it's a school day. Luca and Franny are both still asleep.

Like I said, suspicious.

The red digits on my alarm clock read 5:30. It's the usual time I wake up for school. Pursing my lips, I shrug off the unusualness. Maybe they decided to take a break and spend time with Dad now that he's back.

Changing into leggings, a matching sports bra and an oversized t-shirt, I get myself ready to workout. Ever since I'd been cleared from all injuries, I'd taken it upon myself to train. The more I train, the better chance I have at preventing those injuries.

With my Hydroflask filled, I head to the workout room with all of our gym equipment. There's no sound of movement as I'm walking through the halls. Now this is really suspicious. Franny snores super loud so how come I can't even hear him? Are they all gone?

Did they leave me?

No, no. Chill out. It's probably not even a big deal.

When I arrive at the workout room, I stretch out my muscles and run 2 miles on the treadmill. By the time I was finished my body was covered in sweat. Panting, I put my arms over my head with my water bottle hanging on my fingers. I trudge to the kitchen to refil it.

As I'm adding ice, I notice a pink sticky note on the fridge. I pick it up.

Hey sweetheart,

We're doing some business today. Enjoy your first day of spring break however you want. Invite your friends over, do some online shopping, watch a movie. We'll bring back dinner.

Love, Dad.

Oh my, I'm an idiot. I completely forgot spring break was a thing.

Well, he did say I can have friends over. I can't wait to invite Sophia and Nora over. I don't know about the guys though. Franny may still be sensitive about it. Dad already knows about how important Ry, Ash, and Goose are to me. Plus, if other girls are here, then Franny can't get mad about it.


Hey, my Dad said that you guys can come hang out today if you want to. We have a swimming pool so you can bring a bathing suit. Everything else will be provided. You can come anytime of the day.
delivered 6:20am

who is this. ik for a fact this aint anna.

I'll beat your ass if you stole her phone fuckface

No, it's me! :)) Fran went on my phone and I can't find all the faces anymore :(((.

Can't tell if that's a miracle or a curse

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