19: meeting the family

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The end of the gun points directly into his skull and I take pleasure in watching his dead body drop to the floor. Men instantly run towards the body. With a twitch of my finger, they all fall into the abyss of death. One last rat runs into the room. His eyes lock with mine. His last sight is my middle finger as a bullet goes through his head.

With all witnesses dead, I don't have to worry about my secret getting out anymore. I pack my gun away in an inconspicuous bag I carry with me and leave the building via fire escape. I toss the bag into the backseat of my car and take off towards our workplace. While we train at Fransesco's gym, we have a separate building where we handle our business.

"Sir," A man nods as I walk past them. I don't say a word to anyone until I step foot into Allessandro's office. His steel eyes are already drilling into me before I even knock on the door. Taking a deep breath, I enter the chilly office.

"Valentino, sit down," My eldest brother commands, never removing his gaze from his files. I quietly slide into the leather seat. He doesn't bat an eyelash as he continues shuffling through the stack of documents.

Swallowing my anxiety, I roll my lip into my mouth. "So, what'd you call me for big bro?" I ask charmingly with a small grin.

Amusement flies over his head as his hand pauses writing. Chills run down my spine when his murderous gaze locks into mine. "Do you think this is a joke?" He asks coldly, dropping his pen into a container of its' family.

If there's one thing I know about Allessandro, it's that he's always been too intelligent. For as long as I can remember, nothing has ever been out of place when he's involved. His desk is organized to where everything has a home, is color coordinated in alphabetical order. If even the tiniest thing is out of place, he'll notice. This quality of his had always been a little annoying but it became even more agitating once Principessa came back home.

"No, no, well not really," I chuckle nervously, my tongue suddenly unable to stop spitting out words. "You guys are taking this all too seriously. It was just a little taxi ride. It's not like she died-"

"Valentino," Alessandro cuts me off cooly, causing me to advert my gaze to the wooden floor. "Your careless jokes aren't humorous. Any other useless comments will lead to your credit and debit cards being declined. Am I understood?"

"Yes," I mumble like a scolded child. He could do much worse, that I'm aware of. I probably shouldn't push his buttons right now.

"Now, since you're so inclined to speak, how about you explain to me what was going through your head when you left our little sister alone in the middle of New York City? You've infiltrated the dirtiest rings hiding here, yet you still thought it was a good idea to leave her? Explain to me Valentino because I truly cannot comprehend your ridiculous actions," My eldest brother chastises calmly. His voice remained quiet - calculating. Allessandro's pissed.

I clench my jaw and try to find the strength in me to speak. "Look, I didn't think she was that bothered by the incident. She hasn't said anything about it so I thought she was over it."

"You don't talk about your drug addiction, yet I assume your doing perfectly fine," Allessandro drawls sarcastically. I stiffen as a different kind of fear causes my heart to drop. He knows? I know it's Allessandro but -

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