02: Vincenzo

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The throbbing in my head woke me up from my sleep

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The throbbing in my head woke me up from my sleep. I groan quietly, the pain keeping me from opening my eyes. "Mia figilia, you're alright," A warm voice murmurs to me. (my daughter)

My body is burning and I can't seem to form any coherent thoughts. I attempt to open my mouth to speak but I only end up coughing. Someone gently sits me up and I feel a cool glass being placed on my lips. I don't hesitate to swallow the cold liquid.

After I finish drinking the water, the same hands lay me back down. I slowly open my eyes, squinting at the bright lights. A few seconds later they're dimmed. I find myself in a large, bland room. The walls are white and clean. The modern lights installed in the ceiling are very dim and small. There are large windows that reveal tall buildings and lights outside. A soft blanket covers me and I find myself relaxing back into the comfortable mattress.

I'm in someone's apartment.

"Hello amore," The kind voice says again. I turn my head to face the man that saved me earlier. "You need to rest. You're very ill." (love)

I didn't say anything. I studied his face now that I had better lighting. Something about this older man seemed so familiar, but I know I would've remembered if I had seen someone so handsome and eloquent pass by me. "Ex.. excuse me, sir?" I whisper, clearing my throat softly. "What's your name?"

His lips pull into a smile and I find myself feeling safer. "My name is Vincenzo Invernizzi, amore."

"You have a very pretty name," I mumble sleepily. The corners of his eyes soften as he reaches forward and caresses the bow of my head.

"Thank you, amore. I would love to chat with you, but you must rest. Once you're all better we can talk as much as you'd like, okay?" Vincenzo offers. He takes off a rag, I hadn't even noticed, from my forehead and replaced it with a cooler one.

"Okay.." I reply, my eyes already drooping shut. It doesn't take long for me to fall back into a deep slumber.


"Sono molto fiducioso che sia lei." I shift in the sheets, blinking tiredly at the white ceiling. The top of Vincenzo's head is seen from the corner of my eye. His voice travels quietly throughout the room. My eyes travel farther down to the phone in his hand. "Non preoccuparti. Cercherò di trovare maggiori informazioni sulla sua situazione. Nel frattempo, non dire nulla e aspetta che ti riferisca. Bene." (i'm very confident that it's her. don't worry. i will try to find more information about her situation. in the meantime, don't say anything and wait for me to report to you. good.)

His warm blue eyes fall into mine and he immediately smiles broadly."Good morning amore, how do you feel?" Vincenzo asks caringly. I sniffle at his question, my body aching slightly but definitely feeling more energized. My chest felt stuffed, but it wasn't anything severe.

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