09: Period

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Mr. Snuffles rubs his side against my legs while I sit on the floor, reading a book I had pulled from the bookshelf. It was called The Princess Bride. I may or may not have been attracted to it due to the mention of a princess and a bride, but that's not important.

I purse my lips and close the book, after marking my place of course, to place it back on the shelf. I stand up and head to the door, Mr. Snuffles following after me and jingling with every step. I've decided to do what every little sister should do.

Annoy their brothers.

I stroll across the hall to Fransesco's door, giving it a few innocent knocks. A loud grunt from the inside intices me to open the door and enter. Fransesco is laying on his bed with his arms behind his head. He's wearing a grey t-shirt and black sweats. The TV's playing some sort of crime show.

"Hey Franny," I say, jumping onto his bed with him. He glances at me, his wavy brown hair curlier than usual. He must not have brushed it yet. "Whatcha doin?"

"Enjoying my peace and quiet," He grumbles. I grin widely knowing that my purpose has been served. Mr Snuffles jumps up on the bed, growling once he sets his eyes on my brother. Fransesco rolls his eyes, glaring daggers at the cat. "Great, you brought the demon with you."

I gasp in offense for Mr. Snuffles. "He is not a demon!" I argue, picking up Mr. Snuffles and forcing him to cuddle with me. He gives in in a few moments and bursts into purrs. "See? He's a sweetie pie."

Fransesco rolls his eyes and shifts on his bed, turning on his side to face me better. "What do you want brat?"

"I can't spend time with my sweet, kind, cuddly big brother?"

He sends me a flat look. I giggle loudly and wrap my arms around his torso, Mr. Snuffles falling between us. Fransesco groans which makes me squeeze him tighter, using him as a pillow to watch whatever show he had on. "You're such a brat," He grunts.

"Fran, I know I'm your favorite," I sing. His pale blue eyes narrow and in seconds his hands are tickling my sides. Squeals of laughter carry out through the room and I barely catch a glimpse of the rare smile on his lips. "St-Stop!"

"Not until you say 'Franny is the most handsome and best brother in the world.'"

"N-No way," I laugh out, choking as I struggle to get air into my lungs. His lips pull into a devilish grin as his tickles become more ferocious.

"Say it."


"Well then, prepare for your doom," He dramatasizes and I squeal louder, pushing at his hard chest pathetically. Throughout the chaos I can barely hear his phone ring on the table next to us. Fransesco ignores it and wraps his arm around my chin, forcing me into a headlock. The phone rings again and he lets out a frustrated sigh.

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