10: Hair Care

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"Today is the first day of training," Allessandro states

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"Today is the first day of training," Allessandro states. He passes me a smoothie bowl with bananas, blueberries and granola. I immediately dig in while he explains my schedule for the next few months until the second semester. "Since you have schoolwork to catch up on, you'll be homeschooled during the day. Once you're finished you can do whatever you want until Valentino, Marcello and Fransesco get home. You'll train with them at the gym. This will last until Thanksgiving break. When that time comes we'll discuss what's expected of you. Understand?"

"Yep," I reply, finishing off the meal easily. Pride washes over me. A month ago I wouldn't have been able to finish the whole bowl without wanting to throw up afterwards. Now, I just feel full and energized. "Not to be rude Alley, but shouldn't you be at work?"

He chugs down his protein shake and calmly places the empty cup in the sink. "I took the day off," He says, wiping his mouth with a paper towel. Allessandro wore a white muscle tank top and black joggers. He grabbed 2 water bottles from a cabinet and started filling it. "You said you haven't seen me in years so I decided we could have a day to ourselves."

"Yay!" I exclaim happily, taking the water bottle that he handed me gratefully. I bend down to tie my black tennis shoes. I wore black athletic shorts and an oversized black t-shirt. Standing up, I tie my hair back with one of the pony tails on my wrist while I wait for him. "Are we gonna train at Franny's gym?"

"If you want," Allessandro answers, grabbing his keys. Together we both walk towards a black Camero. We drove to Fransesco's gym with some classical music in the background. Let me just say, it took every ounce of self control I had not to burst into laughter.

"Wait," I say as we walk up to the gym. "How are we gonna train if it's split man and woman?"

Allessandro's lips twitch up a little bit as he opened the door for me. "Do you really think we wouldn't have our own private training facility? We own the place bambina."

Well, excuse me.

We walk past the reception, except this time we went through a door behind it. We enter a door at the end of a long hallway where a medium sized room held all of the basic workout equipment. Allessandro puts both of our waterbottles on a desk and lays out two mats in the middle of the floor.

"Come," He says, pointing to the pink mat in front of him. I obey his command and wait for his upcoming speech. "We'll start with stretching and then move onto strength training and cardio.."

For the next hour and a half he and I worked together. While I started off with 5-10 pound weights, he started with 200 pounds. When I started jogging at 5 miles per hour, he started at 15 miles per hour.

Needless to say, my brother was some kind of superhuman. He has to be Superman in disguise.

"How.. are you.. not.. dying..?" I pant, wiping the sheen of sweat off my forehead. Allessandro chuckles and inhales deeply, wiping his own face with a small towel. "Seriously.. Alley.. you're really... cool.."

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