16: christmas ball

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A loud screech fills the room as the chair scratches against the wooden floor

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A loud screech fills the room as the chair scratches against the wooden floor. I uncomfortablely shift in the leather seat, my eyes glued to the wooden desk in front of me. I couldn't bring myself to look at him - to see the disappointment in the face I admire.

"Annaliese," He calls out. No bambina, or Anna. Just Annaliese. I never realized why a nickname could be so valued until now. Allessandro crosses his fingers ontop of the desk and I held back the urge to run out of the room. "We need to talk."

I force a giggle past my lips to appear innocent. "About what?" I ask, mentally counting the carpet patterns on the floor below. My fingers pick at the arm of the chair absentmindedly.

His stare burns through the innocent facade instantly. "You're avoiding the subject," Allessandro states observantly. The claim is abstract - not clear about a certain thing; the perfect trap for someone desperately hiding a secret.

"What?" I nearly bark, my panicked eyes meeting his calm grey. His widen slightly at my outburst. "How'd you find out? I never told anyone. You can't- you can't know-"

"It's too late for that," Allessandro replies smoothly, cutting me off. He clenches his jaw discretely and I freeze in my seat. This cannot be happening. They can't know, they can't..

"No, no, you don't," I tell him, though it's directed mostly towards myself. The walls I had tried to build today came crumbling down in an instant at his statement. "You can't.. you can't, I-..."


I couldn't breathe. My vision blurs as I push away from the chair and try to get away from him. He couldn't see me, not when he knows how truly disgusting I am. "Get.. away," I heave out, hyperventilating as I collapse onto the same carpet I had been inspecting. The ground subtly shakes as his footsteps near me and I cower back from his large form.

"Let me take care of you, just like that.." The man grinned, the cruel gleam in his eye brightening in the pitch night.

"Annaliese, breathe baby, come on.."

His hands gripped into my sides without a hint of gentleness. The sound of a zipper broke through the heavy breathing and muffled street traffic. My heart dropped to my stomach as I stilled.

"Please," I beg, pushing away hands reaching towards me. Colours blur into one, leaving me warped in a world of nothingness. His voice is clear in my head, taunting me, brainwashing me to believe every word in order to be able to survive it. I try to feel for something - anything - but my hands and legs are numb. "Please, don't. Don't love me, please."

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