author's note...

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i'm going to keep updating this book, so don't freak out yet.

when i started writing this, i didn't have a specific direction for it just yet. i just kinda thought: bro, some of these books are so agg. i'm making my own to stop some of this clicheness.

i didn't actually expect people to like it or read it. soooo thank you a billion <333

ever since people started liking it i've tried taking it more seriously and recently, i've realized that the plot that i like the most wouldn't make any sense with the way my book's written now. which means...

i rewrite it better.

i'm going to keep this version up, and update new ideas and possibilities here. however i also want to write the better, more structured and organized version as well.

in the new version all of the characters will be the same, except some major differences with relationships and more depth to the characters. for example:

- i won't forget about Luca and actually make him a person besides his like 2 scenes.

- hestia will have a more manipulative and confusing pressence, rather than being MIA.

- i won't delete the dad and put him in again later. (i TOTALLY didn't forget about him... lol)

- there'll be better foreshadowing to things like Valentino's drug addiction and it'll last more than just a chapter or two randomly

finals are coming up in a monthish, so right now updating this is a smaller priority, but i still check my notifications everyday so if you need anything, feel free to comment or message me! i'm always thinking about how to make this book and my writing better.

there's also a girl reading this who constantly asks me about this everytime i see her. say 'thank you jade!' because she's partially the reason why i'm able to update the way i do.

thanks jade <3

anyways, i love you all so much and i'll answer any questions you have :))

take care of yourself and be safe <333


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