03: Family

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"Mommy... where did you go?" I cry into my arms, my small body trembling from the cold. I sealed my eyes shut to block out the scary world around me. Mommy told me to wait for her. She's coming back.

She has to.

I lean back further into the concrete stairs. Mommy told me she was going to go get something from the house that she forgot. She said we were going on a surprise trip, just us, without the boys. I was so excited. But why's she taking so long?

I wipe my teary eyes and look around the empty streets. The streetlamps kept flickering and there were no cars on the road. There weren't any people walking around like there usually is. I sniffled sharply. Why was I all alone? I want Mommy.

My body shivers violently as a particularly cold gust of wind travels by. My nose is runny and bright red, my cheeks have become blotched with tears and my eyes were swollen. I felt so horrible.

"Mommy," I call out again, my voice raspy and my throat sore. I stood on shaky legs. My shadow barely loomed over me, revealing how small I truly was. "Mommy?"

A loud thump came from the darker alley next to me. I freeze, my breath caught in my throat. Dark, masculine chuckles were steadily getting louder and louder. My hands shook at my sides as I kept my gaze focused on the entrance.

"Alley..?" I whisper, my voice trembling with fear. The deep voices reminded me of my brothers and I hoped it was them. Maybe Mommy couldn't make it so she asked them to pick me up. I hope. "Franny? Luc?"

Another loud thump is heard, followed by boisterous laughter. I took a few steps back hesitantly. "Marc.. Val.. if this is a joke, it.. it's not funny," I cry. The laughter suddenly stops and I hear a faint voice.

"Did you hear that? It sounded like a little girl." Cold dread stabbed me like a knife. The air in my lungs became replaced with terror as a realization dawned on me. They weren't my brothers. They weren't Mommy.

Shadows erupted from the alleyway and became bigger as the men stepped into the light. I flinch back when I make eye contact with the largest one. His malicious brown eyes sear into me like the burning sun, threatening to destroy me into bits and pieces.

"Well, well, it is a little girl."

The 4 men around him all giggle like girls my age do. My nose wrinkles slightly at the sound. My brothers would never make that kind of noise. They're too strong to giggle. Well, maybe Val might.

My eyes snap to the man on the farthest right as he steps forward in my direction. My attention darts to their unsteady postures, stained clothing, and foul smell. I take a few steps back when the man grabs my arm quickly - as quick as a man could be to a 5 year old. I try to squirm away, screaming at the top of my lungs.

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