23: reveal

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When I woke up, Sophia was gone.

At first I thought it was my tiredness that wasn't comprehending her presence, but as I got ready for the day in my room, I noticed her things missing. Sluggishly walking down the stairs, I hope to see her eating breakfast in the kitchen, but there are only masculine voices whispering and plotting.

I stand and stare at the breakfast table blankly. She really left. No texts, no notes, nothing. Did I really upset her to the point of just leaving last night? What did I do wrong? Is disagreeing with her that much of a crime?

"Anna," Marcie's concerned eyes abruptly come into view and I blink away the daze I was in. His curly hair was pulled back by a headband, showcasing his clear and freckled skin. "Are you alright?"

"Did Sophia leave?" I ask quietly, a rasp in my voice from having just woken up. A frown pulls at his lips as he nods his head. My shoulders droop in disappointment and guilt weighs on my chest. "I think I made her mad."

He crouches down so he's at my height. His eyebrows pull together as if he's in pain. "Anna, I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong. Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not really," I say, pursing my lips. His worry increases and I'm quick to try and reasure him. "But, later's good. I want to talk later."

Marcie nods his head and guides me to a seat at the table. It's just us as the others haven't woken up yet or they already went to work. Avacado toast is placed in front of me and I take small bites of it. Ignoring the planty taste in my mouth, I focus on trying to get food in my nauseous stomach.

It took about 20 minutes for me to finally walk away from the leftovers of my plate. Letting out a sigh, I grab a water from the kitchen and go back upstairs to my room. My right arm tingles with pain as I open the door.

My eyebrows pinch together in confusion. "I must've slept on it wrong," I mumble to myself, entering my room and softly shutting tbe door behind me. I place my water bottle on my nightstand and get back in the comfort of my bed.

I was planning on watching a new movie, despite how much I love Tangled, but sudden exhaustion swept me away in sleep.


"Tesoro?" Luca's voice sounds far away and too loud at the same time. His hand gently shakes me. "Hey, are you feeling alright?"

I watch him through half open eyes as my head is pounding. Hot. It's really, really hot.

I shakily push the bedding away from my face but his hands gently push mine away. His cool skin touches my forehead and instant relief follows. "Shit, you're burning up."

"I'm.. on fire?" I murmur. He uses the sleeve of his long, white button up to wipe away the sweat gathered on my face. His blurry face somewhat becomes clearer.

"No, no, Tesoro," He laughs nervously, pulling out his phone and tapping on it a few times. Luca turns and grabs my chair from the corner. He sits down and gently brushes my hair back from my face. "Have you been sleeping all day?"

"I dunno," I slur sleepily, turning on my side to face Luca. "It's hot."

"Hold on a sec," He says. He disappears to my bathroom and comes back with a small hand towel and a bowl of water. Gently placing the damp rag on my forehead, he wipes away the sweat building up. "Is that better?"

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