24: movie night

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December 29th, 2010
Annaliese is born.

33 year old Vincenzo was holding a newborn in his arms, a smile barely touching his lips as tears glisten his eyes. The infant is staring up at him with bright eyes and a toothless smile, appearing to be laughing with flushed cheeks. He held her delicate hand with one finger.

May 17th, 2011
Annaliese's first steps.

A small toddler, a few months older, was standing in the arms of her older brother, Alessandro. He was 13 and had a much younger, less stoic appearance. 3 year old Marcello stood in the back ground with a Lightning McQueen toy. 10 year old Francesco stood with his arms crossed, his lips drawn in a thin line as he stared her down. He also had a shaved head, due to begging his Mother. 8 year old Luca stood next to Alessandro, a bright grin on his face. 5 year old Valentino stood behind her, his face bright with curiosity.

December 29th, 2011.
Annaliese's first birthday party.

Every member of the Invernizzi family is wearing full pink. 14 year old Alessandro stood next to 34 year old Vincenzo, who was holding Annaliese. 11 year old Francesco had his arms crossed with a scowl on his lips, staring death glares into the camera. 9 year old Luca and 6 year old Valentino had bright grins on their face. 4 year old Marcello stared off to the side, his hands in the air. 31 year old Hestia stood next to Vincenzo stiffly, a forced smile on her lips.

"What're you looking at?" Allessandro's voice breaks the nostalgia. My curls fall into my eyes as I look up at him. He stood over my shoulder, a glass of whiskey in his hand as he stared down at the photographs in my hands. His eyes glaze over as he focuses on the picture.

I don't answer his question. Silence is the best reply I can give.

My hand shakes as I pull out the latest picture from Annaliese's childhood.

November 26, 2016
Thanksgiving day with Luca and tesoro.

Annaliese, a few weeks before her 6th birthday, sat on (13)Luca's lap with a wide grin on her lips. One of her front teeth were missing. Everyone sat around the table together. (15)Fransesco and (10)Valentino had forced smiles on their lips while (8)Marcello stared at Annaliese with a soft expression. 18 year old Allessandro and 38 year old Vincenzo were in a deep discussion.

"Look at her Allessandro," I mutter, gripping the photograph tightly in my hand. "A child, this young, this innocent, was.."

His hand rests on my shoulder, stopping the word from coming out. "I know, Luca."

"Who would want to do that to a child? How can someone be so fucking sick that they think what they're doing is okay?" I question shakily, pain and anger fueling my words. The image of our sweet Annaliese being.. traumitized.. burned my eyes.

Allessandro's hand tightens on my shoulder and I almost wince from the force behind it. "Trust me Luca. I wish nothing more than to find the motherfucker who ruined her innocence. As of now, our priority is to help Annaliese. We failed to be there for her before, which makes our responsibility twicefold."

I take a deep breath. "Yeah," I quietly murmur. We sat together in silence, each in our own thoughts.

"Luca. Annaliese isn't at her school. Have you heard from Mom at all?"

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